Saturday, March 31, 2007

Clockwise: Autumn 2006 (5+), Summer 2002 (1+) and Summer 2003 (2+)

Our little Jade - the precious one in the Hoh family.

There are four daughters and a son in our family and my brother is the least I wrote about. My brother Vincent, the eldest one in the family is eight years older than me and yes, it's the age gap that we don't have much to say to each other. However, we have one thing in common - we both love Jade dearly.

Vincent and his wife Grace has been married for 13 years. They have been trying for years to conceive. Take cold shower, different position, IVF, Hormone treatment .... you name it, they've tried it. Each time ended with heartache .... I couldn't understand the pain that my sister-in-law endured in those times until I lost mine. She and my brother are a strong couple. Like any strong soul, there comes a point where you totally lost it. They gave up trying.

Jade, conceived naturally on their second honeymoon. Is God trying to tell us something here?

She was such a joy, a very intelligent and happy little girl. Cheeky yet caring and leaves a huge impression in ones life if you happen to cross her path.

Jeremy met her for the very first time in Summer 2003 and they instantly bonded. She made up a song specially for him and when we left Kuala Lumpur, of all the wonderful things he experienced, he misses her the most.
Next on my blog will be Trixie's children, Marcus and Yvonne.

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