Monday, March 12, 2007

After yesterday's blog, I had a few emails from my family and friends. They were all very concerned about my well-being. I really appreciate their kindness and thoughts - it means a lot to me.
It's a very strange feeling when all of a sudden, I get all these attentions. I have always been the strong one in the eyes of my friends and perhaps family (not sure about that - coz they didn't tell me). My friends always remind me of how strong I had been in the past. If I can survive my ex leaving me all alone in a foreign country to fend for myself - I can survive anything. I learned to depend on myself and believed in myself. But, nothing can prepare me for the ups and downs of motherhood. There is an episode in "Judging Amy" (one of my all time favourite television series) where Amy's sister-in-law who had cancer said "Has it occur to anyone that a strong person may need someone to ask if they needed anything?" I totally agree with her. My blog has been a channel for me to release my feelings and in a way, subconsciously asking for help. Was I too proud to ask for help?

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