Thursday, May 17, 2007

I feel much better today.

Thank you to everyone for sending me thoughtful emails and advices.

Good news is .... Alex has an appointment with the Speech Therapist tomorrow afternoon - this would not have happened so quickly if he was not diagnosed. The waiting list is about eight months and we don't know if he is going to have to wait or he will be expedite due to the Early Intervention Program. Lets keep our fingers cross and hope for the best.

Here's a video of Alex talking. It was taken today right before writing this blog. I will be recording videos of him every week to see his progress. The nursery is very happy with his progress and today, they were sitting in a circle and the teacher called out their name for attendance. He waved to tell them that he is present.

Because of his diagnosis, the nursery can now work on a program for Alex to follow. He has been doing it since yesterday and they reckoned he was happy with the routine.

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