Sunday, April 15, 2007

We were out in the garden while Jeremy sleeps in. He came back at 7:30am this morning from a twelve hour night shift.

I showed Alex the Bluebells and some yellow flowers (I have no idea what it's called) in the garden this morning. He was walking about discovering new things and when I asked him where the Bluebells are ..... he walked to them and showed them to me. Then I asked him where are the yellow flowers ..... he walked all the way to the back of the garden and point at them. I was just so proud of him. I am just so amazed at how fast he learn and how much he understand things.

I taught him how to pull his pants down and pull his shirt up this morning and when I asked him to undress himself this evening, he did just that but with a little help from mummy. My little boy is growing up so quickly all of a sudden. I think he is like a plant .... grow when there are plenty of sunshine .... ha haha

Everyday, I learn something new about my son. I have been talking to my neighbours and everyone seems to have a child with a problem at some point or knows someone who does. Claire's daughter Sian can't/won't walk until she was two years old. They thought she had spinal problem and went to numerous specialists only to find that nothing is really wrong with her. Then one day, she just decided to stand up and ran.

Jean's youngest son also could not talk until he was four and he had to go to speech therapy. He is now married with children. All my neighbours are really great when you start talking to them. Sometimes it's good to talk to someone about your problem - you may think you are all alone with your problems but there are others out there just like you.

Tomorrow, we will be meeting with the Paediatrician for a full body assessment. I am keeping my fingers crossed.

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