Friday, February 16, 2007

"Alex is three today!!! I just could not believe that it has been three years - looking at my sleeping child, I cannot imagine myself not being a mother.

I went to collect Alex from his nursery this afternoon and accidently caught him brushing his own teeth without any fuss. He had led us to believe that he is incapable of doing so himself, both Jeremy and I had been fooled. Our son, this tiny little devil is a master in manipulating. One of his carer, Kelly told me today that he drank water from a cup with no help. I could not believe it!!! Seems like the minute he turned 3, he changed overnight - he NEVER drinks water (only pure fruit juice diluted with water) and let alone in a CUP (he loves his AVENT bottle)? He is also more aware of what others are doing compared to yesterday. I am just so proud of my son.

Hip hip hurray, hip hip hurray, hip hip hurray for Alex !!!

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