Thursday, June 21, 2007

My senses are back!

I suddenly realised that I can hear and see better. It could be because I had to be more aware of my surroundings in order to communicate with Alex. He can hear and see things way before anyone does. He will point at anything and everything - expect me to tell him what they were. If I got it wrong, he will go on and on until I get it right. I had to pre-empt every situation before I do anything with Alex.

Like I said previously, he pick his moments to sing - almost always when I want to watch my shows. So, when he goes to bed - I had to turn the volume right down - yeah! I can hear.

When we read to Alex, he will look at every detail on the page. You wouldn't have noticed a ladybird at the bottom of the page but he would. So, when we read the book - we also had to answer his questions. We are at the stage where a normal child would say "What", "Why" and "How" - the only difference is Alex can't talk but he points and say "ah?"

It may be annoying at times but he is communicating with us and that is good. Many parents with autistic children do not have what we have with Alex. We are truly blessed.

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