Thursday, November 06, 2008

Memory of an Elephant

Alex never forgets. When you tell him something or should I say promise him something, he make sure you do it.

Yesterday was Bonfire Night and I told him the night before that I will get him some fireworks. The condition is .... He has to go to bed.

When he woke up, he asked for fireworks. Although he couldn't say the word, he made the sound of rockets and used the makaton sign for flower. I think he made up the sign but coincidentally similar to the makaton sign.

So, I went to Sainsburys to get them.

As soon as he walked in the house after the taxi dropped him, he asked for it again. We told him that we have to wait till it's dark outside. He waited patiently for an hour and when it was dark outside, he went searching for his Dad. Jeremy was in the toilet at the time, Alex went in and grabbed hold of his hand and said "Dada go go".

Alex then grabbed his coat and shoes and pushed his dad out the back door. What a persistent child!

We had fireworks and sparklers. Alex enjoyed them so much. It's great to see the smile on Our son's face.

The excitement was overwhelming for him. He refused to go to sleep after that. I had to bribe him by telling him that if he go to sleep, he can have the special yoghurt I bought him tomorrow. He went to sleep without complaining. Bless!

Guess what he asked for after breakfast this morning?

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