Thursday, August 14, 2008

The Messenger in making.

Alex is not always a "pain in the butt". He is one extremely helpful boy and a clever one too.

I took him to Sainsburys yesterday for weekly shopping and he was very good all the way till the end until he saw the checkout. I had to turn into one last aisle by the checkout for air fresheners and this boy is like "a dog with a bone", he just won't stop .... going on and on about getting into the car.

Anyway, we got home. I unloaded the shopping bags from the car and left them in the hallway when Alex decided to help me take them to the kitchen. He dragged them (very heavy) along the hall and into the kitchen. He gave me the sweetest smile when I said thank you.

He helped me unpacked and then put them away into places he can reach. Not much later, I heard him in the bathroom upstairs and I went to check what the commotion's about.

My boy looked at me and smiled, he said "Ma ma" and pointed at the counter. He put his Dad's shaving gel he found in the shopping bags next to the old one.

What a smart boy!

This morning, while Jeremy's in the toilet doing .... his No.2. He shouted "I can't find a pencil .... I want to do my Sudoku". I was still in bed and called for Alex. "Take this to Daddy" giving him a pencil. He took the pencil to his Dad in the toilet.

Yeah ... looks like I have a little slave now - he he he

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