Saturday, March 29, 2008

I have created a new blog about NAS EarlyBird Programme. This blog is to share what we learned from the programme. The contents are from Parent Book and I will also elaborate further and include some tips from what we've done with Alex.

Dear Diary is about our day to day life and EarlyBirds - our experience is all about the course and hopefully will benefit those with interest in this topic.

I know for a fact that when Alex was first diagnosed, I was searching high and low for tips to work with Alex and all I found were information about what autism is, changing of diet but nothing about behaviour and helping our child to gain independence.

I don't know if I have helped anyone reading my blog but if it's just one person I helped, I have done my job.

To go to EarlyBirds - our experience, follow link from the left hand bar

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