Friday, January 02, 2009

Where are my fingers?

2009 ...... I have a feeling that this is going to be a good year. 

It's the 2nd of January today and I have 2 things to celebrate. Firstly, Alex's sleeping pattern changed since our return and he now sleeps from 8:00pm to 7:00am. Secondly, Alex wants to talk more and even played pretend.

Just this morning, or should I say half and hour ago (I am so excited that I want to share with you), Alex came to my bed and we had a cuddly moment while Daddy slept next to us. I taught Alex to count with his fingers by folding and unfolding them. It then turned into a game.

He folded all his fingers and said "Oh Oh" and I said, "Where are your fingers?" He said, "Nana Ouse". I then said, "We better ring Nana and ask for your fingers back?" 

Alex said "Allo ... Nana? Can ar aff ma mm mm back? Bye bye Nana" and he unfolded his fingers and said "Ahhhhhhh" in surprise. I acted surprised and the game went on with calling Pops (his grandad) for his fingers back and then Dada, Mama, Cher Cher, Ber Er and Uncle Bill.

It was just too cute to not write about it. I am immensely proud of my son and I just want to share my joy.

1 comment:

simplee_lovelee said...

well done! to both alex & his mommy...for sharing this gem of a moment...discovering the next chapter of his journey together...
rmb, we're right there with you..
give him a big hug from down under...til i can personally give one to him!
wishing u all a superb 09 filled with joy, peace, hope and love all around!