Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Running out of steam

It's one of those days that it's a struggle to remain positive and happy and shiny.

I have always been one to pick myself and the people around me up. I can't see the reason to remain low and unhappy when it doesn't really do anything to improve matters.

It takes a whole lot of energy and stamina to remain cheerful and looking at things in a positive way. The gloomy weather doesn't help and of course its one of those days in the month as well.

I had a call from Meadow Vale Primary to confirm our visit to their facilities on Tuesday, February 3rd. I spoke to Linda, the SALT who visited Alex at Rainbow to assess him. I asked for her honest opinion what she thinks of Alex and if there is a possibility that Alex would one day be coming back to mainstream education. I know it's hard for her to answer my question but I really need hope to keep me going.

She too feels that Alex is held back by his speech and not his autism as he was really happy and co-operative when working with her. She cannot see him going to mainstream school even with support from Language unit at this moment in time. All special need pupil attending mainstream must be able to cope without support for at least 40% of their time in school. Alex will not be able to cope.

Would Alex be able to come back to their facility if his speech improved after going to Meath .... say in the next two years? She hesitated for a moment and then said "Yes, perhaps and it depends if we have the place for him. We are full at the moment and it's too soon to tell". I can appreciate that but I am at my lowest ebb today, I need hope to bring me up.

It's hard to admit this but I am not all that strong. A friend asked me sometime ago, how do I remain strong and positive all the time? I told her, I cannot and it's not easy but moping won't help. 

Right, I better follow my own advise now and get on with my life. STOP feeling down and put your son to bed. Read him a book, give him a hug and take a nice shower and play some wordtwist. Tomorrow will be better.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

This feeling too shall past. 2009 hasn't been all that swell so far but it is moving rather fast if anyone ask. It is already the 21st. My dear sister, I have no doubt Alex will talk. My friend Susan's niece did not start talking until 5 and she is speaking beautifully now at age 8. I know every child is different but if we believe, somehow things will turn out different (wait a minute...I rememeber you telling me that).