Thursday, January 29, 2009

First step to freedom

I felt much better since my last blog. It took me a few days to get over that heavy feeling. I would like to thank everyone who wrote to me showing their concern and boosting my morale.

Let's see .... Alex definitely matured over the last week and I am so proud of him.

Last Friday, I took Alex with me to a Mummy's Group in Bracknell. We meet every Friday morning for two hours to discuss everything and anything .... sharing information on schools, treatment, etc. We all have special need children from genetic disorders to autism and down syndrome. Although our children have different difficulties, we all share one thing in common .... we want the best for our children. Having a support group gives us strength when we are weak, give us voice when we can't speak and give us courage when we are afraid. At some point, someone has gone through what you are going through ... everyone is not afraid to share and everyone benefits.

Anyway, the group provide a baby-sitting service while mummy chats and Alex was so good, he just went with the lady. He looked at me and then said "Bye bye Mummy" and didn't look back. An hour later, he came back with a drawing and was so pleased with himself. I am so proud of him as I was so afraid that he might not go. Looks like I worry too much :-)

On Tuesday morning, I had to attend *Dialogue Group* meeting.  Jeremy had to work and I arranged for my cousin June to watch Alex while I go for this meeting. It was really a hectic morning for me as I had to take him to June's at Maidenhead and then drive back to Bracknell for the meeting and then back again to Maidenhead to take Alex to Rainbow in Bracknell. It was all worth it as the meeting was a very good one and I also learn that my son is happy with June. 

Yippee ..... freedom at last (LOL) at least, if I need to go somewhere, June can watch him and she doesn't mind at all as she adores him. She offered many times in the past to babysit him but both Jem and I thought Alex wasn't ready. 

For some reasons, we made ourselves prisoners ... always thinking that Alex will not co-operate. We didn't give him the chance to and I must say it's mostly Jem's fault. He is the most amazing father and the most protective one too. I am glad that he is what he is but sometimes it could be a bit ..... trapped.

We also received a letter from Rainbow that Alex's Review meeting is in March and a representative from the LEA (Local Education Authority) will attend this meeting too. I hope everything will go well and I will update everyone of the outcome.

*Dialogue Group*
Every member of Dialogue Group has a special need child and we meet every two months with the local authorities to discuss our concerns and how to improve services in the Borough. Bracknell is considered one of the best authorities in the country providing the best service to special need children. This is because, the Authorities listen when we speak and we all want the best for our children without being unreasonable.

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