Sunday, July 29, 2007

I woke up this morning to the sound of Alex talking. I quickly grabbed my camera and captured the moment.

He has been talking his own language for sometime now and it happens every time he wakes up in the morning or from an afternoon nap. I could not understand a word but it seemed to make sense to him. He says almost the same thing every time and when I took this video and playback to him, he will repeat after the video - just like when he hears himself sing in the video, he will sing the same song.

He has some imaginative play as well in this video. He lined up the planes last night before going to bed and when he woke up this morning, he played with them. First, he turn the propeller and then he make the sound of the aeroplane taking off and whoosh it about. Previously, he will make the sound and hold the aeroplane in front of his face - this is progress.

He also demonstrated fear while watching Thomas the Tank Engine on TV yesterday. I was ironing (only once in a blue moon) in the lounge accompanying Alex while he watch his shows. He was sitting on the sofa with a lot of cushions surrounding him (he likes his comfort) and then came the part when Percy met with an accident, Alex picked up the cushion and hid behind it and then peek to the side to see what happened to Percy. I have never seen him do that and it's comforting to see that he actually understand what is going on in the show.

More video from this morning to follow. I am so glad that he is progressing.

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