Tuesday, August 04, 2009

The closet singer

Sitting on my bed reading my novel, I heard Alex strumming his guitar and singing "apologize" by Timbaland in the room next door. Admiring my son's singing, I have the urge to give him a hug. Trying to be as quiet as I could, my floorboard betrayed me. As soon as he heard me getting off bed ... he stopped playing and was very quiet.

I found him hiding under the table with his guitar and a few cushions - he made a nest. He hid his face in the cushion when I walked in ... as if he's embarassed. When I asked him to play me a song, he just strummed the guitar (out of tune, of course) and no singing. I said, can you sing apologize again? His replied ... "I can't!"

Alex's speech is getting better and better each day. The words he uses amazes me sometimes and he has been saying a lot of "maybe tomorrow ..." I doubt he understood what he meant by that ... but then again, Alex surprises me a lot.

Last week, he said "Awww ... Not fair" when I said no to him. I can't remember what but when he said that, I laughed my socks off. It's little things like that that made my day.

In December 2007, Dr Irani said he will talk one day, we could only hope he is right. That day came but seemed like a long long time. I never lose hope, I just got really patient.

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