Thursday, April 19, 2007

To many it may not be significant or even taken for granted, but to me it's a big deal.

For the first time today, Alex pulled me along - leading me to Jeremy's car. He then walked over to our neighbour's house, trying to find out what the noise is all about. He looked into my neighbour's garage and pointed at few things while looking at me to get my attention. He is another step further from being Autistic. It's a good sign because he pointed and asked for attention with eye contact.

When I picked him up from the nursery today, his classmate a little girl saw me and quickly went to Alex and pulled him up from his seat and told him that mummy's here. You should see them - they looked so cute. All his classmates seemed to like him and they all wanted to protect him because he cannot communicate with them. What a strange sight. Alex is taller than most of the kids there yet they all look after him really well. Jeremy told me that when he dropped him off this morning, one of the little boy in his class shouted out "Good Morning Alex". I am just so happy that my little boy has so many friends. He is more confident at the nursery and even enjoyed it.

I am recording his progress on my blog as a reference for the future but mostly, I want to share my joy with everyone who reads this.

Never take what you can do for granted. Able to use a spoon to feed yourself or turning a door knob may seem easy to you but to some people, this is not an easy task. Count your blessing for being normal.

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