Monday, April 23, 2007

It's has been a busy day today.

Took Alex to Margaret Wells this morning for his assessment. Brought the cake I made last night for the staff there as well.

While waiting for Alex, I went to sit in the lounge and started talking to Linda. Linda's son Josh is three next month and he has the same problem as Alex. They both share the same mannerisms like no language, flapping their hands, extremely jealous, amazingly loving and teeth grinding. They both dislike open areas like shopping mall and children crying. One thing lead to another, we started to talk about our worries and fear for our children. The feelings that I have been feeling for the past few months were not unique. Linda was the same - we both at one point or another blamed ourselves for our children's condition. We have come to accept that it's not our fault - there is a reason why our children are who they are. We are thankful that they are healthy and extremely loving.

Alex finished at 11:30am and we went home to grab a quick lunch and then left for Heatherwood Children Clinic's appointment with the paediatrician consultant at 2:00pm. Waited for one and a half hour and finally saw someone but the consultant. There was a back log because the consultant was late and we only managed to see the liaison officer. He is also a Paediatrician but not experienced enough to diagnose - he asked all the same questions as Dr Irani and then told us that he will have to refer us to the Audiologist and the Speech Therapist. Before he left, he said that he don't believe that Alex is autistic but he is not experienced enough to diagnose. We will have to wait for a letter from the Children Centre at Skimped Hill to invite us for the necessary tests etc. He may just be like his cousin Yujiro, a late talker.

We got home at 4:30pm, Alex missed his nap and went to bed at seven. We decided to change his sleeping pattern from now on - hopefully in one weeks time, he won't need his afternoon nap and go to bed early and sleep through the night.

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