Monday, April 02, 2007

The Health Visitor's assistant rang back this afternoon. She checked with Margaret Wells and confirmed that a letter will be sent to us that they will see us on the 16th of April. Our heart suddenly felt light and for some reason, we could see the sun emerging from behind the dark clouds. Funnily enough, it has also been registered as the hottest day for end-March beginning April. Don't know what it means - only the weather people can explain that.

Anyway, I thought I'll do some baking to relax my roller coaster emotions. Decided to pick a St Lucia Banana Cake as my project for the afternoon. I actually enjoyed baking!!!

It's great to bake when you have a dishwasher. The amount of stuff used to make a cake is unimaginable but, I did make one hell of a cake. One hour and forty five minutes later, the oven buzzed and guess what? I did not put the mashed banana into the mixing!!!

The cake was quite good even without the main ingredient. Jeremy was laughing so much that he called me a "Nonkett" - the name of the cake should have given me ample clue that I needed banana to make one.

We felt much better now. Just waiting for the other call from Caroline and everything will be alright. I guess .....


Unknown said...

He will be who he will be. Let me put this in perspective, this is coming from a mother of two.. There is absolutely nothing to be embarassed about your son, he may just not like train that much. Let's not study too much into this. You as an adult, if you are brought to a place where people collect stamps and you are really not that into stamps, will you be having a whole lot of fun? And then, you are brought to a roller coaster, which you love...would you be thrill? Absolutely!!! Three year olds have awkward movements..they are not the most refined creature. Joshua did not seek out friends when he was that age..he is quite happy being and playing by himself (in fact, count your blessings). They are not yet that developed socially. Besides if he is destined to be special, let it be and love him for it. The world would have been terrible without Albert Einstein (if you need reminding, he was a genius). He couldn't tie his own shoe laces but he saved the world. Everything happens for a reason and you heard it here first.

(c) 2016 Written by Andrew Batt said...

Adrinna put it so very well. Just be proud of Alex and be proud of what you have already achieved. The world would be a boring place if everyone was the same.