Monday, April 09, 2007

More Sunny weather with an absolute Spring feel.

Gardening is the main event today. We were expecting the Fence contractor to show up today to have new fences erected. But, (there's always a but) he called real early to say that he wasn't coming because his Assistant picked up the wrong materials for the job. Being an Easter Monday Bank Holiday, the shops are closed. So, he couldn't get all the things he needed to get the job done. Delayed till Wednesday but he was really apologetic.

What do we do with such a lovely day? Jeremy started with sawing down the dead tree, Alex played with the swing in the garden and I helped a little with the garden, made lunch, had it in the garden "Al fresco" and then baked some "Triple Chocolate Muffins" (I am really really getting a hang on this baking stuff).

Alex loved the outdoors and he loved the pond full of fishes. This is the first time I have seen him point at something. He point at the fish and we will say "fish" and he will giggle and then point again. It's like a game for him and he spent the whole afternoon on the swing and walking around discovering the garden.

This weekend has been good for us as a family as we spent it together well and enjoying every second of it together. I have not turned the computer on for days hence, no blogging. But I am back and I will continue to share my ups and downs with my diary.

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