Cloudy all morning, followed by a sunny afternoon.
Yesterday's day out in the garden was really good for Alex. He slept the night through and we had our bed to ourselves.
We went to see the consultant at Margaret Wells-Furby Children Centre this morning. The centre was well managed and the consultant, Christina explained the details of working with Alex and us in a very professional manner. She was also very sympathetic towards our concerns.
Our first session next Monday starts with a meeting with the Paediatrician and followed by observation through playing. There will never be more than six children per session and this continues for the next four weeks with a specialist of a different field each week.
A report will then be sent to us after the four sessions. We will then be invited to a meeting with all the consultant and specialists to discuss the report and the way forward. There is however, a nine months waiting period for a Speech Therapist and it's not just in our area, there is a shortage of Speech Therapist nationally.
Christina did explain that after completing the four sessions, there will not necessarily be a diagnosis if all the consultants cannot agree with their findings. Should there be one, and if we believe it to be inaccurate, we can always challenge their findings and to find a solution together.
We like the way they work and we look forward to working with them.
3 De no. 16 .
15 years ago
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