Could it be any better?
I applied for a job last week - not a long term job but just to cover for someone going to have a baby. I didn't think much of it as I have been out of the work market for sometime and if I don't hear from them, that's fine.
I got a call last Friday and was asked some preliminary questions and was told that they might call me this week for an interview date. My heart went racing and thousand and one things going in my mind. There was one thing that kept bugging me - my Jury Duty on April 14th.
It's a tricky situation as ..... if I get the job, I will have to be excused to perform my Jury Duty and god knows how long the trial will last? It won't be fair to my employer or if I mentioned this during my interview, I may be jeopardising my chances of getting the job.
All weekend, I was edgy and the jury duty going on and on in my mind. Came this morning, I decided to forget about it and let things go naturally. I may not hear from them for the interview date anyway.
I decided to bake some cakes to take my mind off the situation but I ran out of eggs and flour. I had to go to Sainsburys and took Alex with me. It was a rather gloomy day and I thought 'yuck' what a day and it was windy as well.
As we enter Sainsburys .... oh my GOD! I hate it .... they changed the entire layout of the supermarket. They have been renovating for some time and I knew there were going to be changes but it was beyond recognition. It's like 'Bloody Tesco", I like Sainsburys because they put the fruits and vegetables aisle at the entrance and it's such a cheerful and healthy place. You felt like you want to be healthy and it makes you happy. But they turned the place to somewhat Tesco with all the shampoos and baby stuffs at the entrance. They push the fruits and vegetables to the middle and I could not find anything I wanted.
Thank God Alex was as good as gold. He brought his toy duck with him and was so happy. OK ... if my son is happy and not make a fuss .... I am happy.
As we got out of the supermarket .... the sun suddenly shone so brightly and the breeze as gentle as can be. Half way home, my mobile rang and it was the lady from the job I applied. She called to arrange an interview date and we will meet next Wednesday. I got home feeling like I could fly but there is one other thing .... the Jury Duty.
An hour later, my phone rang and Jeremy passed me the phone.
"Hello .... is that Christine?" I said yes and he said "I am calling from the Jury Services and was wondering if you are excited about your Jury Duty in two weeks time?"
I said "I am not sure what to expect".
"The reason for my call is that we have too many Juries on the day that you are supposed to attend, would you mind if we excuse you from Jury Duty?" he said.
I said "Yes, please!"
and yadee yahda ..... he will send me a letter to confirm that I will be excused. Oh my GOD ! I could see myself jumping up and down with joy and gave Jeremy a big hug.
What a day .... I felt that the burden on my shoulder suddenly lifted.
The sun is shinning, my son is happy, I got an interview date and I won't have to perform my Jury Duty.
What a day ..... thought I'll share this with you dear diary ....
3 De no. 16 .
15 years ago
1 comment:
Good luck with the interview.
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