Monday, April 28, 2008

Tip-toeing in your own house?

Three twitching noses will confirm that Spring's finally here. Alex's been suffering from hay fever and there's nothing much we can do about it except giving him small doses of Piriton.

He's been a light sleeper lately, due to stuffy nose and coughing from post nasal drips. We had to tip-toe around the house when Alex sleeps. He's so sleep deprived that he nap longer in the afternoon. Most mothers will agree that if your child is sleep deprived, so will you.

Like any child, Alex is extremely hyper and naughty when he is tired. I had to physically drag him to his bed and to negotiate fringe benefits with him to persuade him to sleep. Well ... it worked but not for very long though (it's never long enough when you are sleep deprived yourself).

He's demanding more and more of our attention when he's awake and we had to comply ..... because of his past strategy, no attention = pee on the floor

So, when he finally have a shut eye .... we had to do everything we need to do before he wakes again. We just hope that this is just a phase and for not too long ....... please

Rainbow have officially offered Alex a place. He will be joining their afternoon session starting in May for 2.5 hours every day and then, full time in January 2009. The teachers came to visit us last Tuesday (just can't find the energy to update my blog with this good news) and we think they are great with Alex. As usual, Alex is very charming when we have guests and he don't really need to try very hard to get their attention. It's quite assuring hearing from the teachers that Alex would soon talk. They have so much experience with other children similar to Alex's condition. Coming from Speech and Language teachers, it's definitely reassuring.

Our initial plan was to have Alex continue with Teddies and then Rainbow in the afternoon. With much thought and with Alex's current sleeping pattern, we have decided to withdraw Alex from Teddies when he starts Rainbow. Both Jeremy and I feel that it would be too tiring for Alex and he will not be able to concentrate in Rainbow.

We have waited too long to waste this opportunity and something had to give.

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