Sunday, March 11, 2007

Water colour painting by Alexander Green (3 years old)

I thought I'll share one of Alex's many paintings from the nursery. I am particularly proud of this one as it looks like a skier down the mountain. It's just one of those moments that every mother would hope that their child is perhaps a genius undercover. I don't wish for a lot - just that my Alex would be normal like any child and grow up to be self-sufficient. Strong enough physically, mentally and emotionally to fight his own battles. Have a wife and a family that he can protect and be proud of.

The world is a cruel place, there are many unkind people out there who would take advantage of the less abled. But then again, perhaps being slightly less abled has it's advantages. In the more advanced countries like Britain, you would be better off being less abled. Normal folks would have to work their butts off to make a proper living - everywhere you turned, they will find ways to get money out of you. To have a better quality of life would either mean you are highly successful or less fortunate. There are no place for being "Normal" - maybe the normals are just not as fortunate as we may think.

1 comment:

(c) 2016 Written by Andrew Batt said...

That's a very well-structured point about the 'normal' being screwed for every penny they get. It's true in the UK like you say, but here in Thailand not everyone is so materialistic. I wonder if that's anything to do with Buddhism, which is everywhere and is a part of everyday life.
The unfortunate thing is that by not being materialistic, there is a distinct lack of ambition and need to better onself. Everyone seems content with what they have, which is both good and bad.
PS - Has Alex been watching Ski Sunday? I can see the similiarity with a downhill skier too.