Tuesday, February 03, 2009

The wait is over!

Well .... the wait is finally over ... Alex's Occupational Therapy is finally happening. 

He is now officially in the system and will have a weekly appointment to see an OT for treatment. We waited 22 months for this and it's finally happening. 

Twelve months wait to see an OT for assessment and another 10 months wait to see an Occupational Therapist an hour a week ..... I don't know for how long. The country is short of OT and twenty two months wait is considered on target. At least that's one less thing to worry for now.

Alex had his first OT appointment today with Sam and Ann. 

Sam gave Alex a few exercises to do and he impressed the both of them. The last time Sam assessed Alex, he was way behind with his fine motor skills, not able to write or follow through with his assignment and a very short attention span. 

Alex is able to sit through the whole 45 minutes of the appointment this morning and performed every single task with good listening, talking and concentration.

He started with colouring, and we noticed that he used two hands but preferred the left one. Sam commented that ... since he preferred the left hand, we should encourage him to use the left one every time he picks up a pencil. This is to help the brain to concentrate on one hand to perform that particular task. He was then asked to copy what Sam was doing, drawing a line from top to bottom which he did brilliantly, and then across .... needed some help and then drawing a circle which he did a wonderful job.

He was also asked to draw a head with eyes, nose and mouth. Alex wanted Sam to draw the ears, body and leg as well .... Sam and Ann was really impressed with him. Ann commented that she can't wait to work with him. Both Jem and I was so proud of him .... we sat through the whole thing watching our son work his magic on these women.

Then came beading ... big beads and small beads ..... he sat there doing marvelously and his face was full of concentration. Both Jem and I could not help but gave a small chuckle as he look so cute with his serious face. He looked like a surgeon performing brain surgery - ha ha ha

After that came a few more dexterity test i.e using a scissor, picking small items, holding it in his palm etc. Finally physical movements starting with catching and throwing a ball and star jumps.

Conclusion: They need to concentrate on these areas - holding a pencil, holding a scissor and body awareness/balancing.

I think I missed out a few things as they did so much with him in such a short time. I guess we will get a report on today's assessment. His next appointment is on the 18th of this month and I hope to be able to video his session to share with anyone whose interested.

We cannot be prouder parents!

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