Thursday, December 25, 2008

Happy Christmas and Merry Birthday????

It's Christmas and it's also my birthday. Somehow, it doesn't felt like either.

No Christmas tree (the Reeds are Jewish), no waking up to a cold frosty morning (Florida ... what did you expect) and Road trip ..... yeah (????) lets see ..... lost count of the hours on the road from Tallahassee to Tampa. 

According to my trusted (???) SatNav, it should take us 5 hours and 15 minutes (if I recall that correctly) from Tallahassee to our final destination. However ...... we stopped in Ocala for Christmas lunch at a Chinese Buffet restaurant. It was nice and I liked the food but Christmas is not Christmas without Turkey, Beef or Pork with loads of veggies and Brussels Sprouts (yucks). Gravy, trimmings, cranberry sauce and Yorkie Puddie.

After lunch, it was back on the road again. Bill drove his car with his loving wife and children sleeping while I drove our rental Toyota Corolla with my happy family. It was a long straight road and really .... it doesn't feel like Christmas at all as there were many people traveling on the road. We got bored and I overtook Bill for a bit and then he overtook me and we lost him completely. 

We then relied on our trusted SatNav which hasn't failed us yet .......

As we reached Tampa, we were taken to a housing estate in some miles away from where we need to be. We were lost!

Adrinna rang and they too were lost. No SatNav nor Google Map could take anyone to this place as it is a new hotel by the airport. After getting lost a few more times and going through parts of Tampa that no tourist should see, we finally reached the hotel in one piece.

I don't know what you call this but we have two rooms with two double beds in each room, a small living area with a sofa bed and a small kitchen with microwave oven, dishwasher, hob and oven and even a waste disposal in the sink. We were quite impressed. Adrinna and family in one room and the Greens in another.

We all went down to the pool after settling in, Alex was holding onto Erin the whole time and Joshua went swimming and annoying his sister. They had fun!

It's supposedly Christmas and every where's closed. Jeremy fancied a cold beer ..... and we need stuff. Adrinna and I went out looking for milk, drinking water, food and Beer. We found Walgreens and got what we needed and more.

That was our day. It didn't felt like Christmas nor my 39th Birthday but on the brighter side of things, I had my sister's family with me and my own beloved family.

1 comment:

Dlang said...

I wanted to let everyone know about a new product I came across that is showing great promise for children with apraxia. It is called speak and the company isgiving a free box to any family that is interested in trying the product to see if their child responds to it. theoffer is at I have ordered this for my son. I will let you know how it goes!