Home Sweet Home
We drove 2 hours from Tampa to Orlando to catch our flight back to London Gatwick.
The ups and downs of motherhood and relationships. Our son diagnosed with ASD (Autism Spectrum Disorder) at three and Apraxia of Speech at Four years 8 months, this diary is to record and share our journey, our hope and moments that are important to us.
We drove 2 hours from Tampa to Orlando to catch our flight back to London Gatwick.
Posted by
Christine Hoh
8:02 pm
After a whole day of walking yesterday, I told Jem that I have used up my quota for the next decade!
Posted by
Christine Hoh
8:14 pm
Alex got up at 5am and wanted Breakfast.
Posted by
Christine Hoh
11:37 pm
It's Christmas and it's also my birthday. Somehow, it doesn't felt like either.
Posted by
Christine Hoh
11:59 pm
I cannot believe I'm saying this. Shopping is boring!
Posted by
Christine Hoh
11:32 pm
Mazeltov Erin! and Happy Birthday!
My beautiful niece is now a young lady. I am so proud of her.
I cannot believe how time flies. My little niece turned 13 and I am not even ready to let her grow. I am extremely proud of her and I know I'll always will.
The Reeds left for the Temple early and the Greens .... as usual take their own sweet time but managed to arrive on time for once. The culprit here is of course ..... Me! I have a serious problem and that is time keeping. There are previously two important occasion that I managed to be on time. My first date with Jeremy and my wedding day.
Being on time for Erin's BatMitzvah is a good omen.
Alex had a short tantrum, refusing to go to our seats, I tried consoling, bribing and anything I could think of to make it less embarrassing .... nothing worked. My last resort .... I pulled him outside and went down on my knees .... No I wasn't begging!
I said to him sternly, "Stop this INSTANTLY! I will not have anymore of your tantrums! Go sit down and be quiet. Do you understand me?"
To my surprise and to Jeremy's .... he went to the seat quietly and remained that way until the end of the service. Two hours later, Alex is still well behaved and we were so proud of him.
After the service, we had lunch and then Disco. Alex danced with me the whole time and at one point, a little girl came to him and asked him to dance. I had to tell her that Alex is shy but thank you for asking though, she looked so disappointed and I look like the control freak mum - LOL
It was a long day but we all enjoyed the occasion.
Posted by
Christine Hoh
10:45 pm
Road trip day!
Driving over five hours and over 200 miles from Orlando to Tallahassee, we've finally arrived at our true destination.
We arrived earlier than planned to find an empty house. My sister Adrinna is busy picking up stuff from shops for the big day. Bill and Erin practising for the Big day at the temple while Josh was still at school.
It wasn't long after that everyone finally got together. It was great to see my niece and nephew. I realized how much I missed them. Alex picked up from where he left last year. He instantly bond with his cousins and soon played chasing and wrestling together.
Adrinna offered to cut Alex's hair as we failed to get this done at home. It was amazing how Alex sat so still and cooperative. She did a great job!
I didn't get to talk to Adrinna after that as she had to go to the temple again.
We went to bed early.
Posted by
Christine Hoh
11:50 pm
Looked like we planned our holiday quite well ..... so far. We did Magic Kingdom on the best day of the week.
We woke to a yucky rainy morning that turned into day ... there was a Tornado Watch. We didn't dare to venture far and went shopping at Orlando Premium Outlet Mall instead, as it was just a short drive away from our hotel.
It wasn't easy going in and out of shops on a rainy day as the shops here are like strip malls but on a larger scale. Getting from one section to the other required an umbrella, a Pancho, newspaper or whatever you can find. If you don't have either, try running for your life as the rain is not just drizzle it's RAIN.
Alex was very good ..... up to a point .... after we got all his things that is. We got him loads of clothes from Gymboree and Osh Gosh. I have to say this ..... children clothing ARE definitely more interesting in America.
By the time we finished with Alex's shopping, he was tired of going in and out of shops. If we hadn't hired a funky stroller, I don't think we could last this long. We didn't get much for ourselves as when Alex is not in the mood, there is no point for us to go on.
Before we left, I quickly ran back to Eddie Bauer to get my goose down jacket. I saw this on our way in the mall and that was the only thing I got for myself.
We ordered Chinese again and as usual, we ordered too much ..... again. Had an early night as we needed to travel early in the morning.
Posted by
Christine Hoh
11:00 pm
Hot, humid, lots of walking and oh so tired!
Despite all my moaning, it was all worthwhile!
The smile on Alex's face brought a lump to my throat. Watching my son laugh with joy riding on the carousel horse, made everything alright.
Our day started very early, waking at 4:00am.
At 8:00am, we were then picked up from the hotel to Marriott's Vacation Club for a supposedly 45 minutes non obligational presentation to get $100 Disney Dollars to spend.
After the presentation, we went to Magic Kingdom and arrived around noon. Although this is not the first time I've been, I was still mesmerised by the beauty of Cinderella Castle.
This visit is not about me, we decided to let Alex make all the choices for the day. Doesn't matter what mummy wants ..... it's all about Alex this time.
We started with Steam train ride around MK from main street station. Followed by Big Thunder Mountain Railroad - Alex was laughing with excitement. Our boy is an adrenalin junkie!
Had lunch and followed by The Magic Carpets of Aladdin, Jungle Cruise and Pirates of the Caribbean.
Straight after, we were just in time to catch the Parade - you were never in Magic Kingdom if you don't have photos of the parade to proof your presence - LOL
After the Parades, we headed to Cinderella Castle for Dumbo the flying Elephant and Cinderella's Golden Carousel.
Finally, at Tomorrowland - we accidentally went into Stitch's Great Escape! and pleasantly surprised by the 4D show. Alex enjoyed it so much that he was clapping and laughing all because Stitch stole a sandwich and burped on us. It smelt of onion breathe and it was awful. Because everyone said "ewe" at the same time, Alex giggled with excitement.
After Stitch, we went to Buzz Lightyear's Space Ranger Spin followed by the grand finale .... TTA (Tomorrowland Transit Authority). Sounded posh but it was just a train that go round the buildings.
It was certainly a grand finale ride as we were stuck in the train for at least 15 minutes in the dark because some crazy woman left her carriage and walk in between the tracks. They had to stop the trains to get her out. What a nightmare but thankfully, Alex is OK with it.
We planned to stay for the fireworks at 8:00pm but because it was a long day and we were tired of walking, we decided to head back to the hotel and rest. Alex was really tired as he was awake for 14 hours. We left at 6:00pm.
During our six hours at MK, we enjoyed every moment of it. We got a special pass for Alex and used the Fast track lane for almost all the rides. If we hadn't, we would only be doing half of what we did today. To fully enjoy the park, you need at least three days to do any justice to the place.
We hired a stroller for Alex and that made a big difference to our day. I would recommend Disney Parks to any special need families as it's such a friendly place to be.
Entrance to Park x 3 = $226.86
1 1/2 hrs Presentation = -$100.00
Parking at Disney = $12.00
Stroller Hire = $15.00
Lunch x 3 = $28.00
Souvenir = $5.00
Smile on Alex's face = PRICELESS!
Posted by
Christine Hoh
11:06 pm
After much needed sleep and rest, Alex woke at 3:00am Orlando time. When Alex wakes, everyone wakes!
We all went back to sleep an hour later and woke up at 9:30am. Well rested and happier, we decided to have a quiet day to chill.
Went to Waffle House for breakfast and decided to do the tourist thing .... taking photos of our food - LOL
Went to a tacky gift shop for a walk ... the American do everything in an over sized manner - not being disrespect to my American readers but everything is much bigger compared to the Brits.
Even the gift shop is tackier than any I have seen.
After breakfast/brunch, we drove to Publix to get a few provision and dinner. We decided to pick up some fried chicken, coleslaw and potato from the deli. I have to say, the American makes food look interesting and not like us back in England with limited choice from a supermarket that is. Pick up some freshly made Sushi .... hmmmmm scrummy, just mentioning it now makes my mouth water.
Got back to the hotel for a swim and then rest. Later went for a walk by the hotel to checkout the food centre .... No biggie.
We decided to take a drive to International Drive and Jem drove this time. It was getting dark and he missed a turning and took us onto a highway and learned our way around after paying $2 for tolls.
International Drive, not what it used to look like eight years ago when I first visited Orlando. It was beautiful in some part with lights decorating the trees, looking magical. At the other end of I-Drive, tackier than anywhere I've seen in my years of travelling. The closest resemblance to the places I've visited is Phuket's Patong Beach night Market.
Don't get me wrong, it's nice just not my cup of tea. Meanwhile every bus that we passed, Alex would say "purpur ba go go airport" or "bu ba go go airport" all the way and back our drive. Our son is obsessed with airports and I bet I know where he'll work when he gets older.
It was a pleasant day 2 of our holiday.
Posted by
Christine Hoh
11:37 pm
One of the most stressful day of our lives!
It was a long long long day but we cannot be prouder parents. Alex was amazing despite all the waiting, waiting and waiting.
We all woke up at around 5:30am and left the house at 7:05am. Traffic was ... Well, what do you expect on a Monday morning? It was rather awful on the M3 but as soon as we got onto the M25, it was rather smooth sailing but not for the other lot at the opposite direction.
Alex was really excited about this trip. We prep him with social stories on the transport mode. First we go on car then bus from the long stay car park to airport. Then train (monorail) to boarding gates and the airplane to Orlando in that order. However, things are never what it seem in real life and social stories especially the author mainly the mum was not up to date with the travel arrangements. She thought it was the north terminal that we are flying from. Well duh! We flew Virgin Atlantic this time which flies from the South terminal (she previously flew on other airlines).
Anyway, Mummy the control freak likes driving and drove past the entrance to the long stay car park and ended up dropping Daddy with the luggage at the terminal. Thanks to Daddy's quick thinking about social story, Alex came with mummy to the car park to board the bus to the terminal.
When we were at the terminal, Alex kept saying "choo choo" but we had to tell him that we don't go on the train at this airport. He was really disappointed but he got over it after saying "choo choo" what seem like a hundred times.
Finally, on the plane! Cannot be prouder with our pain in the backside. He was very well behaved but very fidgety too. He didn't want to sleep and trick his dad and me a few times that he wanted to poo. Well, I knew he needed to as he let go a few smellies when he sat on me. It had to be me ..... aiyah yah yah yah!
By 4:30pm, five hours flying time and after tricking us six times that he wanted to poo, it's my turn to take him to the toilet. Imagine this .... in a small cubicle, my little boy on the bog, straining away while mummy knelt to see if he's doing it, plop came a long one followed by one squirt of 'eau de poo' and another long one and another squirt. The relieve on his face while mummy turned green.
It's strange how he does it like clock work, always at around the same time, not sooner not later.
Meanwhile, mummy and daddy had to endure a whole nine hours of "airport?" his way of saying "are we there yet?" Holy mo! For one limited speech boy, he sure can drive us crazy!
Can I say finally now? No ... but it was finally landed on American soil but not pass the immigration yet. You would think that we will be welcome with open arms but No! There seem to be an attitude with these guys. Considering we are bringing money into this country, we had better treatment from immigration from Atlanta the last time but these Floridians are a different species.
Queued for an hour with 800 other Brits, it was hot and noisy and we can't wait to get to the hotel but all these while Alex was a gem.
After waiting for our luggage twice, we finally had our rental car. Zap on our SatNav and key in the hotel address. "No Match for address" I told Jem to ring the hotel but he said, "we won't miss the hotel it should be along Vineland Road." After paying two tolls at the turnpike, drove along Vineland Road twice, we were no where near Marriott's.
We had to call the hotel and was told that they are at Vineland Avenue, 12 miles from where we were. Meanwhile, it was 7pm Orlando time and 12 midnight UK time, Alex finally fell asleep on the back seat. He was awake for 19 hours and did not complain while mummy and daddy biting each others head off.
Finally! Reached the hotel, checked in, ordered Chinese for dinner and hit the pillow straight after. Don't ask me what time but all I know it's not soon enough.
We cannot be prouder parents but we are ashamed of our own behaviour for snapping at each other.
Posted by
Christine Hoh
11:17 pm
Just got home from Auntie Wendy's house in Little Hampton.
Posted by
Christine Hoh
6:13 pm
Woken to the sound of rumbling thunder?
Nope .... it's Alex dragging his toy box and stools around his bedroom.
I got up to see what the fuss is all about. What I saw put a smile on my face.
Alex stripped his bed and moved all his pillows and duvet to make a comfortable little nest on a platform next to his drawers. He dragged his toy box and stool to build a step to reach his nest.
He could have easily got onto his nest all by himself but as soon as he saw me, he said "mumma ..... I can't". He wanted me to help him up.
Alex could do anything on his own but as soon as he sees us or someone he knows pretty well, he will ask for help.
Anyway, after I helped him up, he made himself comfortable and said "tweet tweet".
It's quite strange! (I read quite a bit about autism in forums and discussions where parents share their experiences on what their children do.) Autistic individuals, mostly children like to strip their bed to make a nest on higher places. Is there a reason?
Could it be a characteristic of autism? Similar to hand flapping and repetitive behaviour, he find comfort in building a nest.
I wonder .......
Posted by
Christine Hoh
7:16 am
My mornings are mostly filled with surprises and laughters (that is when I have enough sleep).
Monday morning .... The first day of December, I was half awaken by a weeping child. He came to my bed at 5:30am and wanted a hug. We cuddled abit and I fell asleep.
7:00am - I was awaken by "oh oh" and then an empty Tupperware on my face. Alex has eaten all the chocolate tea biscuit for breakfast. He then said "mumma .... Apple ju".
I knew there weren't many of those biscuit left in there as Jeremy had them in the study ... he would have eaten most of them. For all I know, Alex might just have licked all the crumbs (one of those life mysteries) off.
Anyway, back to apple juice. Got up, and on my way downstairs, I passed the study and saw ..... Bob the builder book opened, with all the shapes placed correctly. (Alex got this book from his Aunt Susan yesterday and it's one of those 3 in1 books where you can read, place shapes in certain places and press on the shapes to make sounds.) I was well impressed with my son. Further at the corner where the desk is, he placed his fire engine with it's ladder up against the chair. A fully extended measuring tape placed from the desk to the fire engine via the chair ... as if someone is trying to escape from the scene.
Well, if anyone say an Autistic child is lack of imagination, please come see Alex.
I went downstairs to get his juice and I belted out the biggest laughter I've ever made, Alex decorated my scrabble board with the tiles (picture of evidence to follow) around it.
Made his juice and went upstairs. Quickly grab the camera to collect evidence. Turned on the light and what did I see? Alex with a Hitler moustache.
If this is not joy of motherhood, I don't know what is. I count my blessings everyday for having such a delightful son and a loving husband.
Posted by
Christine Hoh
8:17 am