It was a busy week for us.
Adrinna arrived last Thursday and left for Tampa on Wednesday morning. She flew all this way for our wedding and had to get home in time for her exam. We really appreciate her presence and already we are missing her.
Because of the short time she has in England, we decided to take her see as many places as we possibly can .... since she spent all that money travelling here.
Friday, the day before our wedding .... I took her to Windsor. It's quite nice doing the tourist thing with my sister. Although Windsor is only 15 minutes from where I live, I don't really go see the castle or Windsor. The last time I was there was with my mum four years ago.
We went into the Castle, do the tourist thing, buy some souvenirs and even experienced the unpredictable English weather. We were soaking wet at one point and was knackered by the end of the day.
I was supposed to walked down the aisle the next day but my feet were so tired, I thought I'll have to use the wheelchair instead.
It was good fun and we thoroughly enjoyed it. Meanwhile, Jeremy was home waiting for Alex to get home from school. He is one terrific dad and a very understanding partner (still partner then but have promoted to husband since) and I love him very much for that.
Saturday .... the Wedding. Got up early in the morning to get my hair done in Bracknell and then went to Reading Oracles to get my make-up done. Had lunch there as well and never have I gulped my food that fast. I know I won't have time to eat if I didn't when I had the chance. Got back to the hotel 5 minutes before Jeremy arrived. Thank god as he wasn't supposed to see me in my dress.
The ceremony ..... as you can see in the videos, it was a good laugh. We then headed downstairs to have the group photos taken and then proceed to the room next door for buffet. It was a casual affair and one thing led to another, we almost forgot to cut the wedding cake.
Sunday .... eat, visit and sleep. Tammy and Simon came all the way from Shropshire and stayed the night with us. We went for Dim Sum in the morning before they left for home. After that, we went to see my in-laws and then to my cousin June's house.
Monday ..... London. This is possibly the proudest day of my life so far. Alex was amazing.
We all woke up early on Monday and left for London by train. Alex loved the train and was really excited about it for two days. Upon arrival, we caught the hop on and off London sight seeing bus to Buckingham Palace to see the changing of guard. Alas, due to the heavy traffic in London, we missed the first three quarter of the show and caught the last 10 minutes.
Had lunch and then hop on the bus again for the river cruise. After the cruise, we hop on another bus for Harrods and to be honest, I don't really care if I go there or not but because it's a must for tourist to go, we went there for Adrinna's sake.
Well, Adrinna didn't think much of it either. That's a waste journey when we could have done other more fruitful things like .... nothing.
We waited a long time for the hop on hop off bus in front of Harrods and never arrived ... we didn't wait around after 30 minutes waiting as someone, we don't remember who now, suggested that we walked to Piccadilly Circus from Knightsbridge. Well, one thing for sure, it wasn't me who suggested it but we had a few strobes and tantrums along the way. The tantrum .... not from Alex but the three adults walking and waiting and asking for direction.
We ended up taking two more bus rides to London Waterloo station costing us another twelve pounds for the short journey. What a bloody rip off to take a single bus journey in London. Two pounds per person for perhaps a two mile ride. I would rather take the car and it would be cheaper at the end of the day. We spent almost a hundred pounds for four of us just on transport alone, from Ascot.
Anyway, we got home at around 10pm and Alex was just amazing. He had his shower and went straight to bed. All day, he did not give us any trouble except asking to go to the toilet.
Tuesday ..... Bath and Stonehenge. Just the two of us again and we went to Bath and then to Stonehenge like any tourist would.
Stonehenge, my first visit again ... after 10 years in England. Never thought much of it except a bunch of stones. Upon close observation and the help of audio guide, this bunch of stones are just amazing. It also has a very calming effect on people visiting the site as I felt so peaceful despite the rushing about for the past few days. Adrinna took her time taking in the experience of the place.
It was great to go visiting around and I also joined the English Heritage membership after visiting Stonehenge. It would be good for us as a family to have this membership as we have a guidebook to tell us where to go. We will make a conscious effort to see England with this membership. Over 400 historical sites to see and what more, if we don't use the membership as its intended, we supported a good cause. We need the organisation to preserve the historical sites for our future generations. Not many country can boast that they have few thousand years of history.
On this note, I am glad I chose England as my home. The beauty of the country can only be appreciated if you stop your hectic life for just a day or so to see it.
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