Wednesday, October 03, 2007

He is turning into a pain in the you know where!

Well actually it's a good thing according to Christina, he is developing his own personality and he knows what he wants. Most neural typical children go through this stage where they rebel and test their boundaries. According to Christina, if Alex is too passive, then we are in trouble.

I could see why he was so difficult for the past few days. He was house bound for two weeks because of chicken pox. Alex is used to going out and about with us and staying at home is not something Alex likes. He would be happier if he could go outdoor to play but the weather has been "yucky" again and hasn't stop drizzling for a week.

He was so defiant and when you tell him "No", he would cry like he is saying "it's not fair" and then ran off and slam the door. It just amazes me to see my nice little Alex turned into a "brat" and I don't know whether I should be angry or laugh. I chose the latter secretly though.

We went to the Speech Therapy yesterday and Angie, our therapist is amazed at his progress. He has a few new words and also used two words to form a sentence (I think). Last week, we were having dinner together and Alex said "more" and then I looked at him and he said "je" meaning more juice. He also said "baa" for bath time and "Sss" for shoe. I also caught him saying "four" and "seven" when we were counting the steps.

Everyone who works with Alex has no doubt that he will talk soon and they all agreed that he is one fast learner. His only trouble is developmental delay (he is currently at around 18 to 20 months) and once he master something, there is no turning back for him.

I have faith that Alex will talk real soon.

1 comment:

Kris said...

To one spice mom to another

Surprise to see me appear here. Been following your blog. Hurray! Isn't it time to call for a celebration. At the rate Alex is progressing, he should be talking in no time. By then you'll wish he'll shut up instead. Still owe you a 'long old granny story' email. Take care.