Friday, August 10, 2007

Just got back from the hospital with Jeremy and Alex.

What a dramatic night ..... phew!!!

It all started with Alex walking like "John Wayne" and then a very swollen "Family Jewel". I have never seen him in such a distress state. He had so much pain when he passed urine and what's worst? He likes drinking.

Both Jeremy and I panicked and quickly took him to Heatherwood Hospital's Minor Injury Unit but they closed at 10pm. One look at my watch .... oh no! it's 10:20pm.

Luckily, I found a sign that says Out of Hours Clinic - Entrance on the left. We went in and fill in some forms and was seen by a doctor within 15 minutes. We were quite impressed with the service. The receptionist told us that it's an appointment basis clinic and she will take us in this time but if in future, we need to see a doctor "after hours" we have to call in advanced. Good to know but I hope - none of us would need it.

Two doctors examined Alex to be sure and both had different opinions - both were not wrong either. The first said "Phimosis" and the second one said "Acute Balanitis" but they knew it's urgent and referred Alex to ward 24 at the Wexham Park Hospital - 12 miles away.

By the time we reached the hospital, it was almost midnight and the three of us were just so tired with the rushing about that Alex fell asleep while waiting. The Paediatrician on duty came and "poke" about - needed the surgeon to look at "it" as well - then, the surgeon took one look, poke about and confirmed it's "Phimosis and Acute Balanitis". All these attention on a three year-old "Family Jewel" but the owner is fast asleep and took no notice. He was given a 5 day-course of antibiotic and told us to return to our GP to be referred to a Urologist.

All in all, it took 5 professionals and three hours to confirm the diagnosis. What did Alex do? He slept all the way through the examination, the car journey home and went straight to bed when we got home.

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