Monday, June 18, 2007

We've got a letter from Dr Irani this morning.

Alex had his blood test about three weeks ago (how time flies) and here's his report:

I am pleased to inform you that the result of Alexander's chromosome analysis, Fragile X genetic analysis, thyroid function test, urea and electrolytes are all normal.
Alexander's full blood count shows borderline low haemoglobin level and his ferritin result is also slightly low, both indicating mild iron deficiency anaemia.

The options available are either reviewing Alex's diet to ensure that iron-rich foods are included or take iron supplements.

So, it's good news. Nothing to worry about.

p.s. Last Wednesday, we went for his eye test and he scored a 20/20. He had been driving us mad with his perfect eye sight - he can see even the tiniest dot on the window - kept pointing at it and calling out for us. We couldn't see it and told him to be quiet and he kept on until we go to the window and acknowledge there is a dot. Nothing escape this little boy's attention.

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