Saturday, March 31, 2007
Friday, March 30, 2007
I received an email from my travel agent today. The direct flight price to Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia is quite cheap. I suddenly have an urge to join my sister Adrinna and her children in KL this summer. Sadly, I cannot ......
Reason One: We are saving for our very important trip to Florida next year - Erin's bar mitzvah, a religious initiation ceremony of a Jewish boy/girl who has reached the age of 13. I promised her that I will be there.
Reason Two: We are buying another car - priority
Reason Three (the most important): Alex started to settle in his nursery and if I take him away again for a couple of months, we will be starting from scratch again. It's not fair to him at all.
I suppose .... I am a bit of a Nomad. I cannot get settled in a place for a long period of time and when I do, I felt like going away again. This could be because of my childhood. I lost count of the number of times we moved home since I could remember things.
For Alex's sake, I have to learn to get settled myself. I want to give him all that I do not have as a child.
Don't get me wrong .... we were loved dearly by our parents and they give us the best they could - we were better off then a lot of people.
Posted by
Christine Hoh
3:22 pm
Wednesday, March 28, 2007
Sorry folks, haven't been well lately and nothing to update except snuffly nose and sleepless nights.
Any Hu ..... bit my tongue this afternoon and it's bruised at the tip. I could still feel the numbness and I cannot say words with ssssssss.......
Alex is having his nap at the moment .... he didn't want his nap at his usual time and was very playful until he could no longer open his eyes. I have a little peace until he wakes again in an hour.
Went and bought myself a recipe books for cakes, scones and flapjacks. Thought I'll try a little baking since my dearly beloved built the kitchen for me last winter. I always have this image in my mind - baking a cake with my Alex. He will have flour on his face and on the tip of his nose - I will hand him the spatula and he licks the icing off. Sounded a little like "Little House on the Prairie" right?
We were also thinking of buying another car and have been looking on Ebay for a bargain. Almost got one yesterday but should have known it's too good to be true. Turns out it was a Cat D insurance write-off.
We have been sharing a car up till now as Alex is going to school three days a week. On days when Jeremy works early, we all including Alex had to wake up at 5am and drop Daddy at work and then Alex at nursery. By 10am, Alex would be so tired that he gets moody .... not a productive day for him. So, we decided to take part of the holiday fund to buy a small car for Jeremy.
So, no holidays this year and keep hoping that I will strike the lottery. I don't need a million just £250,000 would do!!!!
Posted by
Christine Hoh
5:45 pm
Sunday, March 25, 2007
Posted by
Christine Hoh
9:53 pm
Friday, March 23, 2007
Time passes so quickly, I didn't realised we are almost at the end of March 2007. I checked my inbox this morning and found my sister, Sue's invitation for Yujiro and Jun Hua's birthday party next week.
Yujiro is turning thirteen on Monday and Jun Hua, one year old. I can still remember when I first held Yujiro in my arms. I went to see my sister and Yujiro at the hospital after work with a friend. He was so tiny and scrawny and I just fell in love with him instantly. He was like a son to me and I used to take him to work with me on weekends.
Two weeks ago, I called for my sister and Yujiro answered the phone. He sounded like a man - it caught me by surprise. When I was back home in December, he was still a little boy and then not long after, he sounded like a duck and then an ox. Finally, he sounded like a man and I was surprised. I am not prepared to accept him as an adult yet as he will always be the little scrawny baby I held in my arms.
Great memories flood into my mind as I am writing this blog. Not long before I married my ex, Yujiro used to say "When I grow up, I will make lots of money and buy you a house". And then I replied, "what about a car?" and then he said in an innocent manner, "and that as well". Although, I knew he didn't really know what he was talking about, it made me feel good.
Few months after the wedding, I was to join my husband in England. I was at one point reluctant to leave, my worry was - I will miss watching Yujiro grow up. But I left anyway.
He is turning thirteen and the next time I see him, he might be introducing his girlfriend to me. My only wish for him now is, he will always be happy - whether it's studies, job, love or family.
Sar Ee (third auntie) will always love you!
Posted by
Christine Hoh
7:18 pm
Thursday, March 22, 2007
I had an email from an "old flame" today.
The email didn't say much - just how was life and why didn't I keep in touch. I don't know how to reply and still thinking what to say. Should I think there is a motive behind this email? After all, it's been almost ten years since we last spoke and he got my email from a mutual friend who introduced us.
I am happily settled with the man I love and a son we adore. I don't really see the purpose in keeping in touch and if I replied, he might think that I have a motive. I am not saying that a man and woman cannot be friends after a relationship ends but an email after 10 years?
What should I do?
Posted by
Christine Hoh
7:05 pm
Wednesday, March 21, 2007
Been feeling off today. Fine when I woke up but then all of a sudden I felt quizzy and massive headache. Took two Neurofen and it all went away.
Alex had it worst then me, he hasn't been well for the past two days with the sudden change of weather and temperature. He's had stuffy and runny nose which made it hard for him to sleep at night.
While recovering, I watched a documentary about families with ten children or more. Watching these mothers with their children, my problem seemed rather small. They have gone through at least ten potty trainings and so much to do, they don't even have a minute to themselves. I salute them and really, they still want more. One couple already had 13 children, youngest is two is still trying for number 14. The wife is 42 years old and she has been taking hormones and when that didn't work, they went to a doctor for IVF. She has had nine miscarriages over the years and yet, she is still determined to have more. What a brave woman!!!
When I had my miscarriage two years ago, I was devastated. I was having post natal blues when we got pregnant again - Alex was just six months old.
Alex was not responding well to me then and I felt really bad - I thought my son didn't love me (of course, that was the work of depression). So, when I found out that I was pregnant again, I wanted this one to be mine and that this baby will love me. Then, the fetal stop growing at 8 weeks - I was crushed.
For sometime after that, I found myself mourning for the baby I almost had. Jeremy was always there for me when I felt depressed. We then decided, we will not have anymore children. We will concentrate on our Alex and give him the best that we could.
Having just the one child really does have its disadvantages, we worried too much and always felt that we haven't done enough.
My parents have five children and they have never had this problem - worrying that we would never talk or even if by chance that we have some sort of disability.
I supposed if you have more than one child, there are far more to worry about and you just get on with life.
Posted by
Christine Hoh
10:16 pm
Tuesday, March 20, 2007
It did snow a little today but the ground was too wet for the snow to set.
I was chatting to a friend today and the subject of Feng Shui and spirits was discussed. She recently moved into a house by the beach with her young son and husband. Since they arrived, they all seem to get sick one after the other and she said it could be bad "Feng Shui". I told her it could be because her house is by the beach and the cold wind could be the cause of their ill health. Anyway, I told her not to scare herself or she may end up "seeing" something .... which is what the human mind does. Once you put an idea into your head, you may just see things.
When Alex was about 8 weeks old, we went to visit his grandparents' home. I was still breast-feeding then and had to go to one of the rooms for privacy to nurse my son. It was Jeremy's late grandmother's room and she passed away some years ago - I have never met her. It was a warm day outside but this particular room seem to be very cold. So, I quickly did my business and walked out saying nothing.
That night, Jeremy was working late shift and I was home alone with Alex. After feeding Alex, I had to burp him and then ..... he looked at the curtain, smiling and his head following something .... moving across the room. At this point, I was totally freaked out .... I could feel the hair on my back standing. Alex refused to sleep and kept smiling and making noises as if he was talking to someone.
Finally, I said "Alex needs to sleep now, please let him sleep". As if by magic, Alex stopped playing and went to sleep. I could not sleep that night. I dare not look around either .... just wrapped myself real tight under the duvet and wait for day break.
I thought .... perhaps, Jeremy's late grandmother's spirit followed us home. Because not that long after her passing, Jeremy stayed the night in her room and he felt a presence. He could not move nor scream .... just saw a gray figure that resembled his grandmother. He told me this a few weeks before our visit to his parents' home.
Could it be my imagination because he told me the story, or was it her spirit who followed us home?
Alex still look at one particular painting in our room and smiled to her. I chose to think it was his Guardian Angel and not anything else.
Posted by
Christine Hoh
9:36 pm
Monday, March 19, 2007
I was expecting snow today but it didn't arrive - just an icy windscreen and a cold cold day.
I was suppose to take Jeremy to work and then Alex to nursery but I decided not to at the very last minute. I do not like driving in snow or icy road.
When I first arrived in the UK, I thought yippee .... snow but then I drove to work and met with an accident. It wasn't a bad one but enough to deter me from driving again in the snow. I was not experienced enough to handle the car and did not know that I am not supposed to brake when its icy. Well, I know now and do not wish to try again. Having said that, if I do not fight this fear of mine, I won't be able to perform my duty.
I have no fear when I was young ... or at least I thought so. I used to be an adrenalin junkie - I'll go on the highest and most exciting ride in the park. I could watch horror movie in the dark all by myself but now, since I became a mum .... I could not watch horror movie and I go all giddy on a ride. All my friends seem to say the same thing - once you turned into a mum, you have fear.
Mothers could forget the pain they endured during childbirth and take all the rubbish that life throws at them but they are afraid of Roller Coasters. Isn't it ironic?
Posted by
Christine Hoh
10:19 pm
Sunday, March 18, 2007
It's Mother's Day today!!!
We celebrate Mother's Day earlier in UK and normally a few weeks before Easter. Not much happened today coz I made sure I didn't do much (ha ha ha). Alex came to my room at 3am this morning and hijacked my side of the bed. It was cold in his room so, he needed a cuddle and some company. I could not sleep with this little human compass next to me. Both Jeremy and I sleeps at a North/South angle but our little minky chose to sleep at an East/West angle. So, I grabbed my pillow and slept on his bed instead. There goes, an early morning of musical bed!
Then came 9am and something sharp poking my face. My little Alex presented a Mother's Day card to me with a smile. I took the card and gave him a cuddle .... his smile .... they just melt any heart. His Dad, stood by his side giving me this huge grin and you knew he is up to no good. But he didn't. He was an Angel .... doing a whole lot of laundry for me. Looking at the pile of laundry, I just could not believe how much Alex could go through in a few days. Just his lot takes up two loads and I did one load just three days back.
Jeremy's mum and dad came over and I made a light lunch for us all. Alex was just so happy to see them that he giggled and laugh the whole afternoon. His grandparents don't think there is anything wrong with Alex. They would probably think that his poo smelt like roses too (ha ha ha). His grandad sworn that he heard him say "Alex" when they asked him his name.
They left at 3pm and Alex went for his nap, leaving just Jeremy and me with a cuppa watching recorded series ..... V+ ..... Mankind's greatest invention!!!!
Posted by
Christine Hoh
10:34 pm
Saturday, March 17, 2007
We just felt like taking Alex for a day out. Beale Park is the closest place to go at the spur of moment. The weather was forecast to be sunny but from tomorrow, wind chills to be expected and Scotland covered with snow. We may have snow on Monday and cold throughout next week. How freaky can the weather be? Daffodils are all over the place and it felt like Spring. That's why, we decided to take Alex out and he totally enjoyed himself - so much so, he didn't want to leave the Park. The smile on our son's face is priceless!
Posted by
Christine Hoh
6:36 pm
![]() |
Beale Park |
We had a great day at Beale Park today. (Click on picture to navigate to album on my Picasa site).
Posted by
Christine Hoh
6:24 pm
Friday, March 16, 2007
Sitting on my couch browsing the ELC (Early Learning Centre) catalogue, I was amazed at how sophisticated toys are these days. Although things are more advanced and the toys looks really nice and cool - I still prefer old fashion toys. I don't find modern toys able to enhance children's creativity and imagination. Yes, they may have real to life toys like vacuum cleaner, oven or the ridiculous baby doll that can wet itself with the expensive accessories like pram and booster seat, they cannot compete with the old fashion cardboard doll. Everything that children played with comes from cardboard boxes from the shelves. Where is the creativity?
When I was a little girl not so long ago (I wished), I used to draw and cut out paper clothes for my doll. Made her a bed out of two pieces of cardboard or paper - glued them together and cut a line on top to make a blanket and drew a pillow for her. That's what you call imagination and problem solving. I used to play pretend with Adrinna and drew a cheque (copying my dad's real cheque book) and fold paper wallet to put them in. We used our mum's old pots and pans and pretend to play cooking. Never heard of Toys'r'us - just the corner shop with a small toy section.
Then I got older and earned my own money, came Toys'r'us. I used to walk around looking at all the toys and wished I could have them. Came Yujiro, my first nephew and the only baby in the family, I just cannot resist myself and bought him toys to satisfy my own desire.
Now that I have my own child, I hardly buy him toys because all the toys that he has, are given by his grandparents, friends and relatives. If I had to get him something, it's gonna be educational toys or old fashion ones. I am not sure if I will ever give in getting him a playstation or nintendo?
Posted by
Christine Hoh
10:57 pm
He's dry for the first part of the day - yippee!!!
I woke him up and put him on the potty. Five minutes turned to an hour ..... still no sign of pee. Can't wait any longer as we are way late for nursery. So, I put him in the car, sent him to school and informed his carer to expect an accident or two. Went home and put the kettle on.
Half past one, went into his classroom to pick him up and the carer told me that he did a wee in the pot (not much) and have been dry since. He even earned two stickers for good table manners and his work of art - displayed on the board. Eureka!!!
I have never been prouder - please keep fingers cross for tomorrow.
Posted by
Christine Hoh
10:44 pm
Thursday, March 15, 2007
Triangle, Square, Circle and Rectangle. Alex knows them all.
We bought a set of flash card today. We wanted some continuation at home of what he learnt from nursery. So, while he was on the potty today, I showed him the set of cards. My son could identify all the shapes and associate object to shapes. He knows that the sandwich is triangle and the ball is a circle. I was just so proud of him - lots of praises and he totally enjoyed it. He giggled and laughed that I ended up laughing too.
I don't remember understanding shapes and colours when I was his age. I went to Kindergarten at six years of age and that was when my education started. Today's children are smarter and knows far more than we did at their age. I remember Erin telling me who drew the "Sunflower" when she was just four years old. Early education certainly has its advantages but it also make children grow up quicker. We expect our children to be able to feed themselves at three years old and dress themselves by four.
My mum used to feed Adrinna and me from the same bowl but with different spoons - I was about six and Adrinna, four. We have a life time to be adults and only a decade as children. Why can't we let them enjoy childhood? Spoil them rotten ..... Before you could say "ah" .... they are all grown up - leaving the nest.
Posted by
Christine Hoh
10:17 pm
Shakespeare would certainly say this if there were charity organisations asking for money in his days. There are so many charity bodies out there and which one should you support?
I received a telephone call from OXFAM day before yesterday. "Good Evening Ms Hoh, I am calling from OXFAM, do you have a minute to spare?" The ever so polite me would never be rude to tele-marketeers as they are only making a living. "Yes, what is it regarding?" Then came the sales pitch..... something to do with Sudan and that villagers and children are drinking dirty water etc. I had to stop her there .... "Yes, I am aware and I have been supporting Save the Children. I'm sure that part of my money will also go to the same place". And then came the hard sell .... they are not the same and that blah blah blah. At this point, I said I prefer to support my preferred charity and thank her for her time. In such circumstances, what would you have done? I have limited resources and there are so many of them - which do I choose? I would love to help them all if I could but there are too many using charity as a product. I recently read an article in Reader's Digest about "Where does your charity cash go?" and found what I read quite disturbing. Some organisation, I won't say which - only used 66% of the fund for real charity work and the rest goes to administration and running costs for their shops. Majority of those working in the charity shops are volunteers - so where does the money go?
Posted by
Christine Hoh
9:10 pm
Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Posted by
Christine Hoh
7:55 pm
Today is a good day.
The morning started with a call from Caroline, the SENCO in charge of Alex's case. She had great news for us and I was in tears after that. The Government funding to assist Alex's development has been approved. They will be paying for a tutor to assist with his speech - 5 hours a week. I am so grateful and will send a Thank you card to Caroline for speeding up the process.
Secondly, Alex peed in the pot three times today!!!! Yippee........... I hope this will continue and be dry by next week. Everybody .... fingers cross for me please.
Finally, my V+ has arrived! I can now record and pause live TV. Record three channels at the same time and watch it when I have time. I can pause the news when I have to attend to my two men and not miss my daily dose of news. I missed that so much. I felt so out of touch with the world and had to buy newspapers - just to catch up. Well, ta-ta newspapers and welcome V+.
Posted by
Christine Hoh
7:29 pm
Tuesday, March 13, 2007
To my sisters Sue and Trixie.
I was flipping through a magazine this afternoon and saw a birthday cake decorated in silver balls on the side. It reminded me of my Six years old birthday cake which brought back the memories of Birthday cakes.
When we were young, we were not well off. Neither were we poor but our parents made sure that we were never lack of the basic necessities and the occasional luxuries. Buying a birthday cake would be too expensive but my sister, Trixie baked me a cake on my tenth birthday. I remembered it was a chocolate topping cake and I have some pictures to prove it. They are currently in my attic and when I do find them, I will post it in my blog.
Posted by
Christine Hoh
8:02 pm
We were talking to Bert across the street this afternoon and learned that his neighbour, Mary had passed away three weeks ago. God Bless her soul.
We have never really spoken to Mary but occasionally said "hello" and waved when we do see her outside her house. She looked pretty healthy for her age but you can tell that she has been suffering from arthritis or something along the line. My point is, one minute she is here and the next you heard that she is no longer around. It got me thinking, I have never really said how I felt about the people around me how much I appreciate them. From today onwards, I am going to tell them. I am going to tell them in my blog - how they affected my life and I thank them for it.
Posted by
Christine Hoh
7:51 pm
Monday, March 12, 2007
After yesterday's blog, I had a few emails from my family and friends. They were all very concerned about my well-being. I really appreciate their kindness and thoughts - it means a lot to me.
It's a very strange feeling when all of a sudden, I get all these attentions. I have always been the strong one in the eyes of my friends and perhaps family (not sure about that - coz they didn't tell me). My friends always remind me of how strong I had been in the past. If I can survive my ex leaving me all alone in a foreign country to fend for myself - I can survive anything. I learned to depend on myself and believed in myself. But, nothing can prepare me for the ups and downs of motherhood. There is an episode in "Judging Amy" (one of my all time favourite television series) where Amy's sister-in-law who had cancer said "Has it occur to anyone that a strong person may need someone to ask if they needed anything?" I totally agree with her. My blog has been a channel for me to release my feelings and in a way, subconsciously asking for help. Was I too proud to ask for help?
Posted by
Christine Hoh
9:37 pm
Sunday, March 11, 2007
I called my mum yesterday. It's been two weeks since my very brief call to her. I find it hard to pick up the phone to pretend to be cheerful. I don't want to worry mum with my problems as it won't do her any good. She is too far away to do anything and it would break her heart to see any of her children unhappy.
All my life, my mum has been my inspiration to continue with my battles. I talk to her and she would give me the courage to carry on. I don't think mum could help me this time. But I certainly need a hug from her now.
I cried awhile ago when I was writing the first two paragraphs and it certainly was a relief. Alex heard my crying and ran to me. He pulled my hand away from my face and gave me a hug. It's like he knows mummy is in pain, not physically but mentally and emotionally. I have been trying to be strong for the past month and it's good to release once in awhile. If I continue to be strong, I will be in denial.
Posted by
Christine Hoh
11:38 am
I thought I'll share one of Alex's many paintings from the nursery. I am particularly proud of this one as it looks like a skier down the mountain. It's just one of those moments that every mother would hope that their child is perhaps a genius undercover. I don't wish for a lot - just that my Alex would be normal like any child and grow up to be self-sufficient. Strong enough physically, mentally and emotionally to fight his own battles. Have a wife and a family that he can protect and be proud of.
The world is a cruel place, there are many unkind people out there who would take advantage of the less abled. But then again, perhaps being slightly less abled has it's advantages. In the more advanced countries like Britain, you would be better off being less abled. Normal folks would have to work their butts off to make a proper living - everywhere you turned, they will find ways to get money out of you. To have a better quality of life would either mean you are highly successful or less fortunate. There are no place for being "Normal" - maybe the normals are just not as fortunate as we may think.
Posted by
Christine Hoh
11:02 am
Saturday, March 10, 2007
I was so tired last night that I didn't have the energy to blog.
Jeremy and I went shopping yesterday while Alex was in nursery. We went to Oracle, Reading to get some books and music CD for Alex. I got him a Jojo Circus CD to be played in the car when we go out together. He has been listening to our music all the time and it's about time that we let him have his say. It didn't seem that long ago that my niece Erin was his age. I was still in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia then - Erin and Adrinna came back to visit us during Chinese New Year and I used to take them every where in my little red car (photo). Erin will insist that we put her Barney CD on every time we go for a ride. So cute ...........
Alex liked his books and I was really impressed with the things he knew. Although, he could not speak (yet) he could identify shapes and colours. He also laughed at the way I say "Triangle". Every time I said the word, he giggled so much that he almost choked. No word could describe how happy and proud I was that my son enjoys himself learning.
When I went to collect him from nursery, Kelly told me that he has a good friend - a girl name Pippa. She will hold his hands and do stuff for him - she takes care of him. They had to use marker pens to draw yesterday and Alex could not open the cap, he passed the pen to the other children and they open the cap for him. He will take the pen from them and continue with his drawings, Kelly found it extremely amusing. He also waved for the first time to Kelly when I asked him to (Alex doesn't wave goodbyes) I was elated.
Posted by
Christine Hoh
11:53 am
Thursday, March 08, 2007
I was made to choose between a vacuum cleaner and a compact digital camera for Mother's Day.
Our supposedly new vacuum cleaner gave up on us today and I can count the number of times I used it. This goes back to about two Christmases ago, when I asked for a new vacuum cleaner and of course my wish was granted. Jeremy got one from Ebay for half the RRP (recommended retail price) - I was happy and he was happy until when I used it for the third time, it stopped working. When it got hot, it won't go and I had to wait for it to cool down before I could continue and that would normally be 24 hours later. So, I completely lost interest in cleaning (one may think that it's an excuse. Hey! Give me the right tool and I'll work miracle!) and to make matter worst, the seller was no longer an ebay registered member. So, we have a half working vacuum cleaner and no where to return to - FALSE ECONOMY. Never again from dodgy ebay sellers!! It cost Mr. Green £70.00 and my heart bleeds.
Anyway, I was looking at a KODAK V705 camera and wanted to get one (my existing camera is a SLR camera and it's quite bulky, hard to carry it with me all the time). I wanted to take more pictures of Alex, of stuff around me to share them in my blog. Since I wasn't working and Jeremy is the only breadwinner in the family, I will have to sacrifice one. It's so hard to choose ....... If I chose the vacuum, it would mean I have to do housework .... ha ha ha
Looks like no competition then .... camera will have to wait and to anyone out there who is looking to get me something ..... wink... wink....
Posted by
Christine Hoh
11:24 pm
"Sauce pan lid" and "Dog & bone" are just two examples of cockney slang (originated from London) meaning kids and phone. Why can't the English be more straight to the point?
I am quite tolerant on normal days but today is different. Why? Because my sleep was interrupted twice last night by Alex plus, I woke up with a headache. Hence,
I was preparing a light lunch for us this afternoon and asked if Jeremy would like a smoothies. And his answer was "Hmmm...... (delay for 10 seconds, then) I don't mind a sausage roll." Now, tell me .... what has a smoothies got in common with a sausage roll? And that wasn't the question I asked in the first place. An easy and straight to the point answer would be much appreciated like "yes, please" or "no, thank you".
I just don't understand why the English in general, go through so much trouble with the language, when a majority of them cannot speak properly. Most foreigner speaks better and more proper English than the English does.
A good example, some area of England particularly those brought and bred in Berkshire would drop the "t" in words like "Compu'er", "wa'er" and "fil'er". Pronunciation for words like "Woolwich" is Woolich" and "Fenwick" is Fenick. So, why bother putting in the "W" in the first place when they are silent?
When I first arrived in the UK, my ex will laugh at the way I speak or pronounce words. He calls them "Christinism". Until today, after 8 years, Jeremy is still laughing at the way I speak. He find it extremely cute and adorable. Should I take it as a compliment?
Posted by
Christine Hoh
10:50 pm
Wednesday, March 07, 2007
Ta Dah .....
New decor in Alex's room. We changed the furniture around, add a few stickers on the wall, got him new "Bob the Builder" beddings and the room looked good enough for a good night sleep ;-)
Today .... is a funny day. How do I describe this?
The morning started real well. Jeremy came back from his night shift and was totally exhausted. So, Alex and I went downstairs for breakfast. We head for Sainsbury's leaving him sleeping at home. It's always a pleasure to go shopping with Alex. He is one of those kids who don't ask for anything (hmmm... maybe because he couldn't talk). He doesn't whine and if you give him something, he will put it back onto the shelf where they belonged. There were a few whinny kids at the supermarket today and God, I was glad that Alex wasn't like that.
When Jeremy woke up, we decided to decorate Alex's room and as you can see, we did quite a good job. And then, I had a very strange call - the Caller ID reads "Out of Area" and this usually means overseas call. And this man said that he is someone from my past. He sounded familiar but I could not recall where from? He said I knew him very well ten years ago and he said something else (something rude that I cannot reveal). At this point, I told him if he had the wrong person and he asked me if I'm Christine? He thought he had the wrong person as well. Anyway, Jeremy came in and asked who it was - he hung up. I don't recall giving anyone from my past my home number. And certainly not someone from ten years ago whom I met in my wild days in Malaysia. This call has been bugging me all afternoon and I have decided to forget it.
My sister Sue read my blog and so did my sister Trixie. They were really concerned because they felt that I was depressed. I really appreciate all the comments and concern from my friends and family. It's nice to know that someone cares and don't worry folks, I am not suicidal and I will be strong as always.
Posted by
Christine Hoh
8:36 pm
Tuesday, March 06, 2007
My niece Jia Hui. This was taken in November '06. I just had to share this with everyone. I am just so proud of her. She turned Six last month and going 18.
Posted by
Christine Hoh
10:55 pm
Posted by
Christine Hoh
10:10 pm
Monday, March 05, 2007
My little rascal is trying to get my attention. Blogging has been my therapy for almost three weeks now and my dear son is trying to stop me tonight. Looking adorable, he used me as a stepping stone and climbed up the desk right in front of my monitor. Well, sad to say, he didn't always have his way. He got bored with mummy giving him hugs and kisses that he ran to the next room to play pretend.
The SENCO came by his nursery today to observe him. We didn't get to talk to her as she left before Jeremy arrived. Jenni told Jeremy that Caroline, the SENCO told her that she was not qualified to diagnose Alex and that she was concerned with his speech. She gave Jenni her number for us to call her if we have any questions. Now that sounded familiar but no help though. We rang her but it was her answering machine that answered our call, left a message to call us back - watch this space.
Why is it that no one is willing to say anything for sure? Could they be worried if they diagnose him wrongly, they get sued. We are turning into a blame society, unable to take responsibilities for ourselves. Burn yourself from drinking coffee - sue McDonald's. Slippery pavement - sue the Council and now we make ourselves looked like idiots because of all these ambulance chasing lawyers. At every corner we turned, they spelt the obvious "CAUTION HOT" on coffee cups - as if we don't know.
Perhaps the best bet is to wait for the letter from Margaret Wells to be save.
Posted by
Christine Hoh
9:16 pm
Sunday, March 04, 2007
I felt so much better today. I could swear my mood is very much affected by the eclipse yesterday. I don't normally suffer from depression on a full moon but yesterday, it scared me a bit. I am glad this eclipse only happens once every six years. The next time I am going to feel like that will be in 2013 and Alex will be nine years old (I might not be able to keep him quiet by then).
This is Jeremy, the love of my life - picking up his guitar to chill out for the first time since ..... don't know when. He loves his music but sadly he doesn't have much time to sit down and do what he likes best. Both Alex, me and the house gets most of his time.
When we first been together not that long ago, we used to fight quite a bit about his music. He spent most of his time in front of the computer editing his music and get frustrated because the software was not doing what he wants it to do. He got into a bloody mood and me, being pregnant, hormonal, emotional - felt neglected because he spends eternity upstairs. And then came the ultimatum - either me or your music!!! Me of course but looking back, I felt quite bad now coz it isn't fair to ask him to make a choice.
So there goes, when a woman is in a bloody mood, no matter how understanding and wise they may seem on normal days - they sometimes do irrational stuff on full moon or you know when.
Posted by
Christine Hoh
8:49 pm
Saturday, March 03, 2007
Total eclipse of the moon. It much sums up my mood today. I went to bed feeling totally depressed last night and woke up feeling worse.
Have you ever felt lonely, I mean really really lonely even when you have friends and love ones around you? To be honest, I missed my sisters - very very much. I wished I could fly to US or to Malaysia to see them - I need them right this moment. Truly. I find it really hard to make friends as I got older. People that I meet along the way are just acquaintances. When I call someone a friend, it's for life. It's effortless to be with them - they talk, I listen and I had fun with them. Sadly, they are in Malaysia or Swansea or Oxford. At this moment, neither of them could understand my situation. They all have normal children, I am not saying Alex is abnormal, it's just that - I don't know what's wrong with him. It seemed like eternity waiting to know.
Jeremy has been fantastic - we talked but it's not the same. I need to talk to a woman, who knows how I am feeling now, who can do adult stuff - mummy stuff as well and enjoy my company. We gossip, we joke and we eat!!! (I have a friend like that - Kris is her name - she's in Malaysia, happily married to the same man for over 10 years and with three beautiful daughters). I would love to make another friend like that. It's not easy!!!
Posted by
Christine Hoh
11:32 pm
Friday, March 02, 2007
The phone rang this morning and as usual, I thought nothing of it until I heard Kate's voice over the other end. Kate, the Health Visitor that came to us yesterday told me the good news. There isn't a waiting list at the Margaret Wells-Furby Children's Resource and that Alex should be able to see someone right after Easter. I just can't believe my ears - I should really thank her properly for being so efficient. Many may say that she is just doing her job but I say, she is doing a hell of a job. I feel much much better now and can't wait to see what's next.
Posted by
Christine Hoh
11:48 am
Thursday, March 01, 2007
Neighbourly or nosiness?
Bob and Jean live across the street, they are both quite elderly and Bob had an operation about a year ago. Every Christmas, we send them a gift and they return the favour. Like any neighbours, we say hello and talk about the weather. We like them.
This morning, we saw an ambulance outside the house and thought nothing of it. After our walk. we decided to knock on their door to find out if everything was fine with them. Bob answered the door and we had a brief chat. Jean was admitted into the hospital and had to stay for three days. They need to observe her further after a side effect developed from the antibiotic they gave her. Before knocking on their door, I asked Jeremy if we should and he said "no" as they might think we are being nosey. I on the other hand thinks it's neighbourly to do so as they live alone, anything could have happened. Why are English people so reserved? Whatever happened to being caring?
Being a Chinese, I was brought up to respect and care for the elders. I think people should start looking out for each other and the world would be a better place to live in.
Posted by
Christine Hoh
8:53 pm
We went for a walk earlier this afternoon. It was spontaneous and we all enjoyed it. I am so bored of sitting in front of the computer all the time and nothing interesting on television either. Imagine, having over 250 channels on cable and nothing to watch? I missed my SKY+ !!!
Since cancelling my subscription with SKY and waiting for V+ to arrive, I just don't enjoy watching TV anymore. I used to be able to record two channels at the same time and watch them in the afternoon when Alex naps. All my favourite shows seems to clash and we can only watch one channel - one of us has to compromise. Worst of all, we cannot skip commercials or pause live tv when we felt like "spending a penny" or have a "cuppa". It's the end of the world!!!
Walking IS good we discovered and we will continue to do this every afternoon unless the weather forbids.
Posted by
Christine Hoh
8:40 pm
The Health Visitor came by today. Jeremy called them yesterday and immediately made an appointment for today. She came to observe Alex and also asked us a list of questions to determine his progress. She is happy with his progress but is concerned about his speech development. She will make a recommendation to Margaret Wells-Furby Children's Resource Centre to see a Speech and Language Therapist to assess him through playgroups once a week for a period of 4 - 6 weeks. Our GP, Dr. McBurnie also recommended that he has an audiology done. With all these in place and the SENCO next Monday, I am quite relieved (at least I know, where we stand).
Posted by
Christine Hoh
8:04 pm