Wednesday, February 14, 2007

"There are two things to celebrate today. The first, it's Valentine's Day and Jeremy, the love of my life gave me a watch. It's not a surprise as I have been hinting all week what I wanted but, he did impressed me by selecting a design that I quite like. Beside the watch, he also made my utility area looking really smart. He put up all the cabinets that we bought from IKEA two weeks ago. I am so proud of him and of course the KISS on Valentine's Day.

My second celebration - TA DAH ....... Alex peed into his pot this morning. Yeah !!! I don't know if it's by chance or that he really understood but I will celebrate anyway. He did manage to wet himself a few times after that. Tomorrow WILL be a better day.

1 comment:

(c) 2016 Written by Andrew Batt said...

Just take things day by day, that's all you can do. Perhaps Alex is secretly reading this blog too? Keep writing ... it's really good.