Tuesday, April 21, 2009

When I grow up, I want to be .....

Jeremy and I often have this talk about what we think Alex might be ... when he grows up. 

We've always said that he will do fine even if he is just a shelf stacker at Sainsbury's ... as long as he's happy. It all started with him stacking his blocks and grouping his cars and planes. That was then and every so often, we change our mind. From singer songwriter (when he picks up a guitar) to City Transport Planner (when he play with his trains and airport sets). I am not joking about the CTP as when he plays with them, he planned his airport, train station, car park, petrol/gas station and hotels meticulously.

Well, after today's attempted nap time ... unsuccessfully, my son is going to be a doctor. Why? Because he said so!

I was laying next to Alex ... trying to get him to sleep. One whole hour of bribing, threatening, cajoling and nothing worked. While I was doing all that, something caught his attention. He tried to open my mouth and when I did, he looked real hard and then said "moon" meaning he wanted some light to see. I gave him my small torch and he looked inside my mouth. He then said "mama" and then he coughed. I said, "Why are you coughing?" he then repeat himself again and then ran to the back room rummaging through his toys. Guess what he came back with? A toy screwdriver in one hand and a torch in the other. He then repeat himself again.

I then knew what he meant and said "Are you saying mummy's sick?" he then said "Okah" meaning yes and I opened my mouth. Using his screwdriver, he prodded my tongue and then said "ah" and I did as told. I then asked him, are you the doctor? he said "Okah" and smiled.

I love watching my son play and I believe he will be fine .... with lots of love and encouragement, hope and believe.

Sunday, April 12, 2009

So much going on and nothing happening

It's been a month since I updated my blog.

Not that there isn't anything to write about but I find myself in this 'hold on' mode for the whole month waiting for something but not sure what.

Mostly it's about Alex's schooling ... waiting for the LEA to come back to us on their decision as to which school they would want to send Alex. I don't know why but my life seem to be in a 'pause' mode until I know what their decisions are. I honestly do not know which school best suit Alex.

We know he needs intensive Speech and Language support and in the past, we are very sure Meath is the right school for him. After our meeting with the Educational Psychologist at the beginning of March, he felt Meath is not the right school for Alex. We have been warned by Meath that this particular EP is not very keen to send his clients to Meath ... for what reason, I do not know. Could it be something to do with the cost or he genuinely believe it is not the right school for his clients. No one seem to be able to tell us which school is right for him.

Alex likes music, he likes humming songs and in perfect tune. Because of this, we went to see Addington school ... once, last year. We were impressed with their music programme and had a good feeling about the school. They specialist in Music and ICT.

After speaking to the Deputy Head Teacher, Addington is no longer a school that we would consider as they can only offer Alex - 30 minutes a week with the Speech and Language Therapist. The remaining support will be through a programme developed by the SALT for the teacher and teaching assistant to follow. Hence, we did not make another visit to look at the school again. Little did we know that Rainbow is the same as we have always thought that Alex has two sessions of SALT with Becca every week.

We put all our eggs in one basket - Meath. When the EP said no to the school, I questioned his ability to recommend. He spent 25 minutes with Alex and he made recommendation through Alex's medical diagnosis ASD. He thinks Alex's primary need is to support his ASD and not his speech.

I totally disagree with him as I spend all my time with my son. I know his primary need is speech and I can confidently say that. Although he is diagnosed with ASD, he is not what I call a typical child in the spectrum. I agree he demonstrated many of the autistic characteristics but it has never been a problem. He listens well, he can sit with his therapist for one whole hour to do his exercises, he has no tantrums, he is well behaved, he sleeps well, he eats well, he is happy, he is friendly but is a bit aware of strangers (that is a good thing right?) and most of all, a mother's instinct tells me that Autism is not the biggest concern here.

After the meeting, all these things went round and round my head, I was angry, I wanted to challenge him, I wanted second opinion and wanted all sorts. I know if I were to blog at that particular moment, I would have given my readers the wrong impression of me. I want my blog to give hope and positive energy to whoever reads them.

I want Alex to go to a school that can support his needs. I don't want to put him in any one special school ... just because.

I am still waiting and I have to think what my next move is. We are now in Spring Break and nothing will happen until school reopens in a weeks time.