Friday, March 13, 2009

My poor baby

Not much to update as Alex was poorly for a whole week.

There's a Gastric bug going around and the school had to close today as a few other children were off sick because of the bug.

Alex had projectile vomiting and diarrhea and was off his food all week. Today's the first day he managed to keep his food down and smiling all day and laughing when watching his tele.

I told Mrs Goss that Alex hadn't eaten since Sunday when she rang to inform me of the school closure. Her respond was "Oh my .... it must be bad if he refuse his food. It's unheard of."

It's not a nice feeling when you see your child suffering and there isn't anything you could do for him. He was whinny and weak .... it's not at all like Alex.

I am glad that he is finally on the mends and I pray that this won't happen again.

Tuesday, March 03, 2009

My helpless son

"Mama elp .... I can't ............"

It's the beginning of every sentence ... when Alex speaks. It's not that he can't do it but, my guess is that he like the sound of it.

Alex has been quite good at talking and making an effort to string sentences. Sometimes, it's quite clear and i could understand him. At times when they are not clear, it's a guessing job.

Strange but seemed like as soon as he turned five, his speech started to flourish. I can't wait for his words to come clear and we can have a proper conversation. I know he would be one interesting boy to have a conversation with.

Just the other day, he was watching tele in my room and Mickey Mouse Clubhouse, his favourite program came to an end, he cried inconsolably. I gave him a big hug and tried to make him understand that things will eventually come to an end. Then, he spotted the mirror and walked in front of it and cried even harder .... this time with surround sound "boo hoo hoo".

It was really funny, as if he was trying to see what others sees when he cries. He even tried to perfect his cry with sound effect - LOL

Little things like that makes my day. He may not be able to talk properly now but when he can, I'm sure my days would be even more interesting.