My little screamer.
The chicken pox are crusting which means Alex gets a bit sore when he brush against something. Putting on his t-shirt is especially tricky because he has a big head and the collar's a bit tight for him. He has a few big spots on his head and ooohhhhh can he scream when the collar brush against those spots.
I had a meeting with Alex's SENCO and team yesterday. Everyone who knows him from the beginning knows that he is a changed boy. They were all so happy with his development and everyone said that he is one delightful boy. What mother would not be proud of those words?
I met Neil from TASS (Teaching and Support Services) in the meeting. She will be in-charge of Alex's education needs from now on. She will recommend the appropriate services from getting into the right school to getting a one to one teaching support for Alex if he is placed in mainstream school.
This is what TASS do according to their website:
The work of the Teaching and Support Services (TASS) is to assess and teach children from the age of 2 upwards who have special educational needs. Work with children below the age of five who have developmental delay takes place either in the home, the pre-school setting or a children's centre. For older children, TASS assess and teach pupils with specific special educational needs and also support their parents and schools with educational advice and teaching.
Well, at least the education bit is temporarily solved ;-)
Saturday, September 29, 2007
Monday, September 24, 2007
I cannot be prouder!
It's the third day of Alex's chicken pox. It's all over his face, one in his right eye, his front and back - even on places that the sun don't shine.
He's so good and we hardly hear him complaint except when we want to put calamine lotion on him - he cried and scream like we are torturing him. It breaks my heart to see him in distress. I just wish I could take away the pain and irritation away from him. He would occasionally whimper because of irritation though. Hand on heart, I don't think I can resist scratching or whining.
Anyway, there are some progress - he called next door's dog by her name "Jess". He looked at Jess and said her name. His fine motor skill are improving as well. He can turn his wrist to maneuver his spoon or fork into his mouth. He can also drink from an open cup with one hand.
His grandparents are very proud of his progress and I really believe that he will have some speech by his fourth birthday. I spoke to my mum today and she has no doubt that Alex would talk VERY soon.
I just can't wait to see what else my son could do to surprise me.
Posted by
Christine Hoh
9:06 pm
Labels: Chicken Pox
Friday, September 21, 2007
Yikes! It's Chicken Pox.
Alex was real restless last night and he woke up twice. First time at 2:30am with a nightmare - he didn't know where he was and I sat with him for ten minutes. I couldn't get back to sleep after that. I took the opportunity to reply all my emails and then start compiling some images for Alex's PECS (Picture Exchange Communication System). And then he cried again at about 4:30am. I went in to sit with him and this time for nearly two hours. I couldn't keep myself awake any longer and left him on his bed and got back to my lovely warm bed. What a surprise, he didn't follow me to my room but went back to sleep instead. Dang! If I knew I would have gone to bed sooner...........
Anyway, Jeremy took him to nursery and let me sleep till 10am. Am I lucky or what?
Went to the Garden Centre again and spent more. We got more Chrysanthemum and pots for the patio area. We also bought Alex a wind chime - he was fascinated by them when I took him to the garden centre on Tuesday. He was having so much fun ringing the entire range on display.
We then went to collect Alex from nursery and he said "bye" to his classmates and we all clapped because this is the first time he said it so clearly.
After dinner, I took him to the bathroom to give him his shower and that's when I discovered chicken pox when I undressed him.
In a way it's good to get it over and done at his age. I remember Adrinna had hers in her twenties and it was pure torture. I remember she had them on her scalp and the sole of her foot as well - oh she suffered!
Do you consider Chicken Pox as a milestone?
Posted by
Christine Hoh
8:37 pm
Labels: Chicken Pox
Monday, September 17, 2007
I really do not know where time went?
I just realised that I haven't updated my blog for a week now. I have been so busy with Alex and then with the fund-raising table top sale for the school.
Here's a summary of our week and I would rate it as 4/5:
Monday 10/9
We are both getting into gardening quite a bit. Managed to clear the weeds, the path and cut down the overgrown bushes. The garden looked reasonably good.
Alex loved playing in the garden while we're busy weeding.
Tuesday 11/9
Jem's back to work today. Alex ate his breakfast and lunch all by himself. He also drank from an open cup. What a breakthrough - I just cannot describe how happy I am.
Went to Family Support and then to Alex's first Speech Therapy session. His Therapist is Angie and she is very good with him. She is starting PECS with him and he seemed to accept it well and learnt fast. Angie is going to give me a list of words to use with PECS.
Wednesday 12/9
Sent Alex to nursery and then to Reading to meet a new friend from Malaysia whom I met through We had breakfast and then continued shopping together at the Oracles. I bought myself a pair of jeans and a black Capri - both on 50% off.
Jem came back early from work because I had to attend the new term's Full Governing Body meeting at the school. This is a very important meeting where Governors are nominated/volunteer to take up important roles. I decided not to participate in any nominations nor volunteer this year. The reason is because I am not sure if we will stay or move to Florida.
Thursday 13/9
Went to the Garden Centre to get some plants for the garden after dropping Alex at the nursery.
Bought some Heathers and some Pansies with pretty faces. I love Pansies because they look so happy all the time with their smiling faces.
Alex learned to count and he can say "two" very clearly. If I say one, he will continue with two and then when I say three, he will say "two" (ha ha ha). He laughs when we say no ..... it's four and he will mumble something like four and then laugh again. He is just so cheeky.
Friday 14/9
Sent Alex to nursery and then had to rush to the school to meet the Headteacher to discuss tomorrow's fund-raising sale. For some reason, it turned out that I am the only one worrying about the event. I somehow took charge of the whole thing while the rest of the committee doing nothing.
I was rushing about like a headless chicken worrying about the event. And then, as I popped back home for a rest, Jeremy opened the front door and I said "Why are you up? You are supposed to sleep." (He just got back from the night shift) He said, he was just about to go get Alex because he couldn't get hold of me. The nursery called to say that they suspect Alex had chicken pox. So, I went to get Alex and they told me to take him to the clinic to get checked out and if it's not chicken pox, he can come back to finish the session. It's not chicken pox - he had viral rash and it's quite common for toddlers.
Saturday 15/9
Table top sale - busy all morning and finally it's over. I felt lighter all of a sudden - as if a load's off my shoulder. By the way, Happy Birthday to Trixie - she is 42.
Sunday 16/9
Went to Long Acre Garden Centre again to get more plants and pots to complete the look. Jem's parents came over for lunch.
I must try to update my blog more often as I tend to forget things. With this summary, I can only share the events that took place but not the emotions.
Posted by
Christine Hoh
10:04 pm
Labels: Too much to handle
Monday, September 10, 2007
What a busy weekend!
It's funny how things happen. We don't get a lot of invitation to places much. Friends, we have a few, but they are far and apart. But last weekend proves that we are not as unpopular as we thought (he hehe).
Saturday 8/10
We were supposed to go to the school's Governors and Staff BBQ in the afternoon but Jem was really tired from the day before. He didn't get much sleep after his late shift. So, we didn't attend the BBQ but I did go to the fund-raising committee meeting. I took Alex with me - Jem could have some peace and a well earned rest.
Alex was just so good and everyone was really impressed with him. I am just so proud of him.
Later in the evening, we went to Jem's colleague Ryan's wedding reception in Kingston. My SatNav failed me this time. We went to the wrong place and Jem called his colleague Mark for direction. We finally arrived and had to take a boat to the reception. It's on a small island and it's really nice.
Alex was on the dance floor all night long and had a great time. He refused to leave the dance floor and was really popular amongst the bridesmaids.
Came home late and Alex was knackered. He slept through the night in his room and woke us at 6:00am the next morning.
Sunday 9/9
We were invited to Jerome and Lucy's new home for lunch. Again, my SatNav failed me miserably. I think the petrol companies and the SatNav makers are in for a quick buck. It took me further than far could go and we end up 30 minutes later on a road that we could go in 10 minutes.
Anyway, upon arrival - what a pleasant surprise! Lucy's six months pregnant with their first baby boy. The baby is due on 29th December and I am just so happy for them.
Jerome was a fantastic cook as usual and we sat down and chat after lunch. He played with Alex and as usual, Alex is really good. You can take him anywhere and not worried coz he is always well-behaved. He taught him to play tennis and he had fun chasing after the ball and throwing the racket about.
They have two beautiful and mild mannered cats. You could do anything to them and they don't scratch or bite. Alex was chasing after the cat and pulling their tails. He was laughing and giggling when the cats tried to run from him. Oh, it was so funny and we named our son "Alex the Cat Chaser".
We left around 5pm and then made a flying visit to see mum and dad.
Wow! what a weekend.
Posted by
Christine Hoh
9:23 am
Labels: Very Popular
Friday, September 07, 2007
A rude awakening.
I can't get back to sleep. Alex had "night terror" and woke me up at 2:45am. He wet himself as well, had to change him and I can't get back to sleep.
I don't think he has been well since Tuesday. He had a sniffle here and there, felt warm all over but no fever. I did noticed that he is slightly taller when I bathe him - could it be a growing spurt?
There were quite a few tantrums here and there - short ones (thank god) - I gave him some leeway but last night, I told him "no more tantrums or I'll give you reason to cry". Guess what? He stopped and looked at me. Just like that!
Amanda, the inclusion officer who visits him at nursery is back in action. She saw him on Wednesday and was really pleased with his progress. I was told that Alex said her name and asked for "more". I could believe that because he has been making progress with his speech.
Anyway, Amanda wants to see me next week to talk about Alex. She wants to give me some tips on how to encourage Alex to talk. Any help welcomed - Can't wait.
I am going back to bed and try to get some sleep now.
Posted by
Christine Hoh
3:53 am
Labels: A rude awakening
Tuesday, September 04, 2007
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Posted by
Christine Hoh
6:11 pm
Labels: A new achievement